There is a guy in my office that washes his coffee mug before ever cup. He has his own sponge and everything. How dirty could that thing possibly be? I imagine there is more bacteria in his sponge than in his cup. Plus, doesn't the near boiling water kill the majority of if not all of the germs and bacteria? If you use cream and sugar than that's a different story. But washing before every single cup of 100% black coffee?
Maybe I'm disgusting, but I wash my mug every few days. I don't do that with anything else. If I use a glass at the house I rinse and put it in the dishwasher. I don't know why but for some reason washing my mug every couple of days makes sense for me at the office.
Maybe I'm disgusting, but I wash my mug every few days. I don't do that with anything else. If I use a glass at the house I rinse and put it in the dishwasher. I don't know why but for some reason washing my mug every couple of days makes sense for me at the office.