What if we hired someone that at least one, and preferably more than one, other P5 programs also want to hire? Isn't that one of the best ways we evaluate recruits -- offer lists?
It seems like we are always scared to compete for coaches. That's why we want to hire a guy who, in the whole North American continent, could only get a job at a 3A high school. That's why we jumped-on a G5 coach with one 10 win season. That's why we moved Kliff to the big chair too early. Did Tubs have other P5 options? Did Leach? When was the last time that we hired a guy and it totally ruined another school's day because they wanted him and couldn't get him?
I guess we think we're saving money by hiring someone before there is a market for him, but it hasn't worked for us at all. The schools that are having success right now aren't doing it because they went bargain basement hunting for a coach...they are doing it because they invested in great facilities, sold their city and their program, and made a strong monetary offer. As much as it pains me to say it, look at A&M. We all laughed at them when they hired Jimbo and now they're sitting at 2nd in the SEC West, with a NY6 bowl all but assured, and a chance to sneak into the playoff.
And if the answer is that we don't really have anything to sell as far as the program's potential goes, don't have anything to sell as far as Lubbock goes, and can't (or don't want to) win a bidding war, then what are we even doing this for? What is the point in buying-out Wells and replacing him with someone else that no other P5 school in the universe wants? If we can't compete and win battles like that against our peers, then what hope do we really ever have to be successful?
I don't have a preference if we go G5 or coordinator...assistant with HS success and connections or a retread...just make it someone that has a market for their services as a Power 5 head coach outside of Texas Tech.
It seems like we are always scared to compete for coaches. That's why we want to hire a guy who, in the whole North American continent, could only get a job at a 3A high school. That's why we jumped-on a G5 coach with one 10 win season. That's why we moved Kliff to the big chair too early. Did Tubs have other P5 options? Did Leach? When was the last time that we hired a guy and it totally ruined another school's day because they wanted him and couldn't get him?
I guess we think we're saving money by hiring someone before there is a market for him, but it hasn't worked for us at all. The schools that are having success right now aren't doing it because they went bargain basement hunting for a coach...they are doing it because they invested in great facilities, sold their city and their program, and made a strong monetary offer. As much as it pains me to say it, look at A&M. We all laughed at them when they hired Jimbo and now they're sitting at 2nd in the SEC West, with a NY6 bowl all but assured, and a chance to sneak into the playoff.
And if the answer is that we don't really have anything to sell as far as the program's potential goes, don't have anything to sell as far as Lubbock goes, and can't (or don't want to) win a bidding war, then what are we even doing this for? What is the point in buying-out Wells and replacing him with someone else that no other P5 school in the universe wants? If we can't compete and win battles like that against our peers, then what hope do we really ever have to be successful?
I don't have a preference if we go G5 or coordinator...assistant with HS success and connections or a retread...just make it someone that has a market for their services as a Power 5 head coach outside of Texas Tech.