Specifically "Section X. Athletics Department". These are the big 3 in my opinion that outline the entire system failure at Rape U. They show complete lack of control by the Administration and Coaching staff. Notice that these aren't listed even as the top recommendations...
X.4. Consider appropriate disciplinary response for employee misconduct or employee failure to respond to several reported allegations of misconduct by football players.
X.6. Through an appropriate board committee, ensure that the President and the Athletics Director have appropriate authority over department personnel.
X.11. Develop and implement a new drug testing policy. This policy should follow the standard of informed practices among peer institutions.
X.4. Consider appropriate disciplinary response for employee misconduct or employee failure to respond to several reported allegations of misconduct by football players.
X.6. Through an appropriate board committee, ensure that the President and the Athletics Director have appropriate authority over department personnel.
X.11. Develop and implement a new drug testing policy. This policy should follow the standard of informed practices among peer institutions.