Make all the arguments for/against keeping KK you want, but the undeniable, non-debatable fact is that the interest in this football program is at an all time low. Kliff is showing some improvement this year for sure, but it's too little too late. A seventh season defies logic.
Making a change injects life into the program, and the new guy can come in with all the recruiting advantages we have now, along with a cupboard that isn't bare. It's the perfect situation.
Kliff is going to have a very successful, lucrative career as an OC/QB just isn't going to be here.
Making a change injects life into the program, and the new guy can come in with all the recruiting advantages we have now, along with a cupboard that isn't bare. It's the perfect situation.
Kliff is going to have a very successful, lucrative career as an OC/QB just isn't going to be here.