Wanted to see how we were doing on the tier system as it stands now. This is 4 tiers broken up by rpi and home/neutral/away games.
Currently, Tech is:
Tier 1: 4-1 (KSU, OU, @UT, Nebraska and Duke)
Tier 2: 2-0 (WVU and Memphis)
Tier 3: 2-0 (USC, ACU)
Tier 4: 7-0
Remaining schedule:
Tier 1: 8 games (KU and TCU tier 1 home and away and @KSU, @OU, @OSU and @ISU)
Tier 2: 4 games (ISU, osu, @baylor, UT)
Tier 3: 3 games (wvu, baylor, ark)
Tier 4: N/A
-Ut is rpi is now 42. This drops our future home game to a tier 2.
-Baylor jumped to 108. This removed the only remaining tier 4 game. Also bumped @baylor to tier 2.
Easy to see why we dont have a crazy non-con with the amount of quality games in the b12. But would like to see a couple of those tier 4 non-cons change to a tier 2 or 3 type game at least.
Wanted to see how we were doing on the tier system as it stands now. This is 4 tiers broken up by rpi and home/neutral/away games.
Currently, Tech is:
Tier 1: 4-1 (KSU, OU, @UT, Nebraska and Duke)
Tier 2: 2-0 (WVU and Memphis)
Tier 3: 2-0 (USC, ACU)
Tier 4: 7-0
Remaining schedule:
Tier 1: 8 games (KU and TCU tier 1 home and away and @KSU, @OU, @OSU and @ISU)
Tier 2: 4 games (ISU, osu, @baylor, UT)
Tier 3: 3 games (wvu, baylor, ark)
Tier 4: N/A
-Ut is rpi is now 42. This drops our future home game to a tier 2.
-Baylor jumped to 108. This removed the only remaining tier 4 game. Also bumped @baylor to tier 2.
Easy to see why we dont have a crazy non-con with the amount of quality games in the b12. But would like to see a couple of those tier 4 non-cons change to a tier 2 or 3 type game at least.
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