Tracklover, do you Tweet/Twitter. If you don't, you should. I'd love to follow you for Tech track coverage. Jim (Canyon, TX)
By the way, my son Jason has done well, but don't know if he's going to quite make it for college. You may recall, he pole vaulted 11'6" as an eightgrader, delighting Coaches Don Hood and his son from Abilene Christian. When he was a Freshman (Canyon High School), there were no vault coaches and he got frustrated and switched to running only (punk) (after that year). He did great in the 800 meters, finishing 4th in District (3A) at 2:10, and was in a three-way tie for second in pole vault at 9.5. On tie-breaker rules, he finished fourth.
His Sophomore year, he had an injury plagued year, but ran on the 4th place (4A) Cross Country team at state. Despite his injuries, he cut his time down to 2:08.
This is his Junior year. His Cross Country team was injury plagued, but won District and failed to advance out of Regions by a few points. He's really hoping to get his time to around 1:58. We'll see.
Follow him at
He's a good kid, just joined his older brother as an Eagle Scout.
Here is hoping that you twitter!
By the way, my son Jason has done well, but don't know if he's going to quite make it for college. You may recall, he pole vaulted 11'6" as an eightgrader, delighting Coaches Don Hood and his son from Abilene Christian. When he was a Freshman (Canyon High School), there were no vault coaches and he got frustrated and switched to running only (punk) (after that year). He did great in the 800 meters, finishing 4th in District (3A) at 2:10, and was in a three-way tie for second in pole vault at 9.5. On tie-breaker rules, he finished fourth.
His Sophomore year, he had an injury plagued year, but ran on the 4th place (4A) Cross Country team at state. Despite his injuries, he cut his time down to 2:08.
This is his Junior year. His Cross Country team was injury plagued, but won District and failed to advance out of Regions by a few points. He's really hoping to get his time to around 1:58. We'll see.
Follow him at
He's a good kid, just joined his older brother as an Eagle Scout.
Here is hoping that you twitter!