My son texted me at midnight to watch this fantastic hour long documentary. I am still laughing. If it is on again, don't miss it. Between it, Animal House, Caddyshack, and the Naked Gun movies, they are the best comedies ever. FYI, Airplane! was patterned after the movie drama "Zero Hour". If you ever get a chance, watch it and you will see that it is almost scene for scene where they got the ideas.
What was really cool about the documentary was how they had the people who made it and acted in it take part in the program...side by side with how they looked then and today.
A couple of facts disclosed were that the studio wanted it to be a jet but the three directors (Zucker/Abrahams brothers) wanted a prop plane like in Zero Hour. The directors gave in and made it with a jet but with prop engine sounds. Also, the directors wanted to do it in black/white like Zero Hour, but the studio talked them into color.
Check it out if you are a will love it.
What was really cool about the documentary was how they had the people who made it and acted in it take part in the program...side by side with how they looked then and today.
A couple of facts disclosed were that the studio wanted it to be a jet but the three directors (Zucker/Abrahams brothers) wanted a prop plane like in Zero Hour. The directors gave in and made it with a jet but with prop engine sounds. Also, the directors wanted to do it in black/white like Zero Hour, but the studio talked them into color.
Check it out if you are a will love it.