Since Christ ascended into Heaven body and soul, he left behind on earth only one bodily relic, which was surgically removed form him by the high priest of the Temple in Jerusalem when he was an infant. Theoretically, the Holy Foreskin, enshrined in a provincial church not far from downtown Rome, ought to be the least contested of all holy relics, but its unique claim to the title of Holy Foreskin has been challenged by another Foreskin housed in a rival church in a town called Abruzzi.
how many of you religious believers in the Baby Jesus knew that?
There is today huge fight with the Vatican being heavily involved to actually test each Foreskin to see which has holy powers.
With full disclosure I have seen the actual foreskin in Abruzzi. It was black and rather dried up. Did not look like much. I don't know what the other Holy Foreskin looks like. This one was housed in a glass case surrounded by candles and you could not get very close to it.
how many of you religious believers in the Baby Jesus knew that?
There is today huge fight with the Vatican being heavily involved to actually test each Foreskin to see which has holy powers.
With full disclosure I have seen the actual foreskin in Abruzzi. It was black and rather dried up. Did not look like much. I don't know what the other Holy Foreskin looks like. This one was housed in a glass case surrounded by candles and you could not get very close to it.
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