Just wanted to say that @BuckyBigsby's sister in law was a great sport in all this deal, and I think we had some fun.
It could've potentially been a nightmare, but it wasn't because she was awesome and cool as all get out.
We hit things off right away because we both got our steaks medium rare and both acknowledged that we would've judged one another had either of us done otherwise, so we got along from the get go.
Good evening, good time.
But in the end, this thing is not about me. Again, I want to emphasize that this was about Jennie Bailey and the wonderful, caring, and incredibly impactful person that she was to hundreds and hundreds of young men over the years. We will all be so fortunate to ever even do a hint of as much good as she did in influencing people in her life.
It could've potentially been a nightmare, but it wasn't because she was awesome and cool as all get out.
We hit things off right away because we both got our steaks medium rare and both acknowledged that we would've judged one another had either of us done otherwise, so we got along from the get go.
Good evening, good time.
But in the end, this thing is not about me. Again, I want to emphasize that this was about Jennie Bailey and the wonderful, caring, and incredibly impactful person that she was to hundreds and hundreds of young men over the years. We will all be so fortunate to ever even do a hint of as much good as she did in influencing people in her life.