39 Wins
The number 9 overall win percentage of 0.750 (#6 among P5)
The number 3 conference RPI (which makes the below point even more impressive)
4.5 game conference lead (which is insane and DOMINATION. The rest of P5 has a tie, half game lead or one game lead for first)
Average ranking of 6.
Most impressive P5 road record 17-6 (though Miami has a strong 10-3 right now, nobody else close)
7-2 vs Top 26 (stupid okie lite) RPI on the road
12-5 vs Top 50 overall
No padded wins total, had #23 non conference strength of schedule
No RPI padding ala SEC and ACC with their self fulfilling high RPI (whole conference has to do well non con!)
Per Boyds Worlds RPI Needs Report, Texas Tech has clinched a Top 16 RPI. Per multiple tweets of Kendall Rogers, Tech needed to keep a top 16 RPI to guarantee a national seed.
Ladies and gentlemen that's a damn good resume independent of the desire to not give 4 national seeds to a single conference.
The number 9 overall win percentage of 0.750 (#6 among P5)
The number 3 conference RPI (which makes the below point even more impressive)
4.5 game conference lead (which is insane and DOMINATION. The rest of P5 has a tie, half game lead or one game lead for first)
Average ranking of 6.
Most impressive P5 road record 17-6 (though Miami has a strong 10-3 right now, nobody else close)
7-2 vs Top 26 (stupid okie lite) RPI on the road
12-5 vs Top 50 overall
No padded wins total, had #23 non conference strength of schedule
No RPI padding ala SEC and ACC with their self fulfilling high RPI (whole conference has to do well non con!)
Per Boyds Worlds RPI Needs Report, Texas Tech has clinched a Top 16 RPI. Per multiple tweets of Kendall Rogers, Tech needed to keep a top 16 RPI to guarantee a national seed.
Ladies and gentlemen that's a damn good resume independent of the desire to not give 4 national seeds to a single conference.
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