Inspired by many on RRS, I have planned a Texas Tech road trip for the KSU game and the MBB game. My 8 year old son (Zach) has all of next week off for Thanksgiving.
Leaving DFW and driving to Manhattan. Harking back to road trips of the past (w/ @RedRaider3920 to Lincoln in 2005), we will have a supply of Little Debbie's with stops at Braums and Chick-Fil-A.
Tailgate before the KSU game
Watch Tech beat KSU
Drive to KC with a stop in Topeka and tour the State Capital---reminding them that Texas is just better.
Sleep in and sit in a hot tub. Monday night, watch Chris Beard and MBB do their thing.
(Looking for recommendations for Topeka / KC on Sunday and Monday morning. )
Drive home Tuesday.
Saturday, November 24, go watch Tech beat Baylor.
Roadtrip music:
80s Rock
@JAB_TTU , Pat Green, Cory Morrow
Tech Talk (Steam and Podcasts)
Best part, spending 5 days with my 8 year old Texas Tech son and making a ton of memories.
Feel free to to take a jab at me for the "Dear Facebook" post.
Leaving DFW and driving to Manhattan. Harking back to road trips of the past (w/ @RedRaider3920 to Lincoln in 2005), we will have a supply of Little Debbie's with stops at Braums and Chick-Fil-A.
Tailgate before the KSU game
Watch Tech beat KSU
Drive to KC with a stop in Topeka and tour the State Capital---reminding them that Texas is just better.
Sleep in and sit in a hot tub. Monday night, watch Chris Beard and MBB do their thing.
(Looking for recommendations for Topeka / KC on Sunday and Monday morning. )
Drive home Tuesday.
Saturday, November 24, go watch Tech beat Baylor.
Roadtrip music:
80s Rock
@JAB_TTU , Pat Green, Cory Morrow
Tech Talk (Steam and Podcasts)
Best part, spending 5 days with my 8 year old Texas Tech son and making a ton of memories.
Feel free to to take a jab at me for the "Dear Facebook" post.