Greetings libtards and white supremacy sympathizing racists. I’ve enjoyed following your moral indignation, righteous proclamations, soap box assertions and basically policy light discussions (from what I can tell) during this turbulent time in our country’s history. I thought I’d share this clip from Scott Galloway who I’ve discovered recently and of whom I’m now a raging fanboy. By the way BA English/Political Science class of 85 and law school drop out in case anyone interested in my academic credentials. I turned my mediocre liberal arts classroom performance into a successful 30 year career in IT outsourcing as an FYI for you free market types.
In case you care where I stand, and I’m sure most of you don’t, I’m a left leaning independent who would have voted for the crab consumed body of Osama Bin Laden before voting for Trump. In fact if any Trump stink (unless it’s Barron .. have soft spot for him) remains on the Republican Party going forward not likely I go that direction again. Didn’t vote in 2016, couldn’t wait in 2020. Orange man and offspring indeed bad.
In any event I found this video entertaining and I enjoy his commentary. He and I are aligned in our world views. Reading his book Post Corona: From Crisis to Opportunity. Can recommend. You all get back to your election fraud propaganda, business burning, bible thumping, virtue signaling, gun owning ways. I’ll continue surfing porn and job hunting. And as always, professor (formerly coach) Iron Guts is watching.
PS. I’m pro second amendment. I try and live in safe places so I don’t need a gun and don’t particularly care for shooting animals though I did enjoy dove hunting back in the day. Some of my best friends are Christian. I like pagans and atheists as well. I’m agnostic but will likely repent on my death bed. Very pro choice. Capitalism good. I feel Black people have gotten the shit end of the stick for a long time along with other minorities (see pandemic job loss and economic impact stats) and it’s more important to me these days that disadvantaged kids graduate without mountains of debt than it is we build a new athletic training facility.
In case you care where I stand, and I’m sure most of you don’t, I’m a left leaning independent who would have voted for the crab consumed body of Osama Bin Laden before voting for Trump. In fact if any Trump stink (unless it’s Barron .. have soft spot for him) remains on the Republican Party going forward not likely I go that direction again. Didn’t vote in 2016, couldn’t wait in 2020. Orange man and offspring indeed bad.
In any event I found this video entertaining and I enjoy his commentary. He and I are aligned in our world views. Reading his book Post Corona: From Crisis to Opportunity. Can recommend. You all get back to your election fraud propaganda, business burning, bible thumping, virtue signaling, gun owning ways. I’ll continue surfing porn and job hunting. And as always, professor (formerly coach) Iron Guts is watching.
PS. I’m pro second amendment. I try and live in safe places so I don’t need a gun and don’t particularly care for shooting animals though I did enjoy dove hunting back in the day. Some of my best friends are Christian. I like pagans and atheists as well. I’m agnostic but will likely repent on my death bed. Very pro choice. Capitalism good. I feel Black people have gotten the shit end of the stick for a long time along with other minorities (see pandemic job loss and economic impact stats) and it’s more important to me these days that disadvantaged kids graduate without mountains of debt than it is we build a new athletic training facility.
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