I see a lot of people who are unable to see beyond the left/right divide, and even establishment vs non establishment.
The best way of assessing current affairs is to resign from these binaries, and take a broad view. Youve been trained by your various factions to discount the discontent of your countrymen IF the are not of your particular stripe. But here are some observations to consider-
1.) The majority of the American people are unhappy.
2.) People are more organized than they have ever been.
3.) We have seen greater shifts in the last year than we have ever seen, candidates who wouldn't have stood a chance five years ago have knocked off titans of the parties.
4.) Protests, racial violence, the alt right, Charlottesville, Portland, the March on DC. These things are real. And while it may be cutesie to discount Klansmen, and people wearing "pussyhats"- that doesn't falsify the very real and very visual existence of these things. People are organized, verbal, and willing to act, protest, and vote like never before.
5.) All of this is hurtling toward some unknown. The midterms being the first test of what I would call a new reality in America.
The point being this- see where you are in history, and take in the full picture. Things are not going to be the same.
The best way of assessing current affairs is to resign from these binaries, and take a broad view. Youve been trained by your various factions to discount the discontent of your countrymen IF the are not of your particular stripe. But here are some observations to consider-
1.) The majority of the American people are unhappy.
2.) People are more organized than they have ever been.
3.) We have seen greater shifts in the last year than we have ever seen, candidates who wouldn't have stood a chance five years ago have knocked off titans of the parties.
4.) Protests, racial violence, the alt right, Charlottesville, Portland, the March on DC. These things are real. And while it may be cutesie to discount Klansmen, and people wearing "pussyhats"- that doesn't falsify the very real and very visual existence of these things. People are organized, verbal, and willing to act, protest, and vote like never before.
5.) All of this is hurtling toward some unknown. The midterms being the first test of what I would call a new reality in America.
The point being this- see where you are in history, and take in the full picture. Things are not going to be the same.