Why is it the religions of "peace" for the last 2000 years (originating in the Middle East) have slaughtered millions? Humanity (or about 2/3s of us today ) love religious myths, but the killing fields of the monotheistic religions are still killing in the name of god. We do not see the kind of slaughter and terror that happened yesterday in Manchester with other religious myths in history. Why is it the monotheistic gods (The god of Abraham or the Jewish Warrior God) are such killers? Or the dogma if you don't believe in him then you will burn forever?
I get it we want to believe in the "in our image" nonsense, but the same god of "love" will drive many to slaughter the lambs?
I get it we want to believe in the "in our image" nonsense, but the same god of "love" will drive many to slaughter the lambs?