There were a lot of Pro-Leach posts last week trashing Wells and lamenting about Leach's teams always being bowl eligible, but downplaying the scheduling advantage Leach had.
Before any of you Wells-bashers start talking about Leach's bowl streak again, just remember we'd be bowl eligible and 6-4 right now if Wells had the scheduling advantage that Leach enjoyed during his time here. (4 auto-wins plus OSU and WVU).
That doesn't mean Leach wasn't a great coach or that Wells is a great coach; it just means that not everything is as cut and dry as comparing W/L records from the 00s to now.
This year isn't satisfactory by any stretch, and losing yet another close game is as frustrating as it gets, but Wells needs a season or two to get his players in his system. One encouraging sign is his teams aren't getting blown out and are in every game to the end while Kliff's teams this late in the season tended to lose in much more one-sided manner. Wells deserves our support in Year 1; if we still have this record in two years then it's an entirely different situation.
Before any of you Wells-bashers start talking about Leach's bowl streak again, just remember we'd be bowl eligible and 6-4 right now if Wells had the scheduling advantage that Leach enjoyed during his time here. (4 auto-wins plus OSU and WVU).
That doesn't mean Leach wasn't a great coach or that Wells is a great coach; it just means that not everything is as cut and dry as comparing W/L records from the 00s to now.
This year isn't satisfactory by any stretch, and losing yet another close game is as frustrating as it gets, but Wells needs a season or two to get his players in his system. One encouraging sign is his teams aren't getting blown out and are in every game to the end while Kliff's teams this late in the season tended to lose in much more one-sided manner. Wells deserves our support in Year 1; if we still have this record in two years then it's an entirely different situation.