Before about the mid 1970's A & M was just another game for Tech. Not traditional no rivalry. From the 1950's all the way to mid 70's with the exception of Bear Bryant years in late 50's A & M football was very weak. No one hated them and they were usually an easy win. In 1965 when I started Tech A & M had an enrollment of about 7,000 and women were not allowed. ROTC was mandatory for freshman. Tech had an enrollment of 16,000 in 65 and grew to 20,000 by 69. A & M was a dying all male school. Sometime in the 70's women were allowed and A & M grew. Also Emory Ballard became coach in early 70's and begin to recruit well. By 74 or 75 A & M became strong in football. ROTC was no longer required. You could go to school there and be a regular student. Being 68 years old I just do not have the hate for them that you younger guys do because they were not a competitor back then.