IF you clicked on this thread what does PT109 mean to you? if anything?
I was 10 years old when John Kennedy was elected. I remember it will (for a 10 year old) at about that age I started paying attention to who was President. I remember The Famous TV debate with Nixon and when he won. I can remember yesterday when JK was killed in Dallas. My memories as a child were that he was young and popular.
Then LBJ.....for many years as a kid growing up. (I remain a student of his man to this day) What comes to mind ? Vietnam. Then I remember Nixon of course taking over when I was in HS. I remember he was popular and everyone believed he would get us out of LBJs war. He did. Then Watergate (which is all he will ever be remembered for) But my biggest take-a-way is that Nixon was a smart man and got caught up in Politics. Then Ford. I remember exactly nothing. NOTHING>
BUT I do remember his loss to Carter and as a young man watching a failure and goofball (everyone, even democrats believed Carter was incompetent ) so Carter will always be remembered as incompetent. Then Ronaldnus Magnus. That is my standard for greatness. I so remember the media going face plant and losing their minds but how the Great One defeated the Soviets and set in motion the greatest economic boom the country has ever seen. Then came Bush Sr. ....I remember nothing....Only thinking he was a place holder for Reagan...then I remember the famous debate with the slick mister and Bush Sr looking at this watch....he lost and in came Clinton (the Slick Mister) Now I do remember the change of course and today thinking that Bill was a greasy guy looking for pu**Y, but by that time I knew Kennedy did the same thing....I also remember that Bill was not the issue, his wife Hillary was. There we all knew was an embittered woman with ambition who would cut the nuts off any man or destroy any woman who got in her way. I remember the Hillary Care debacle. I remember he hiding billing records and that Hillary was the leader for FemiNazis. She was a witch. But mostly I remember Bill for understanding economics. Then of course Bush....I remember he was privilaged not overly bright but a decent guy.. HIs life and ours changed with 911.
Then Obama/ The empty suit that the perfect storm and arrived that the liberals and the socialist professors who had been infecting our universities cumulated into the disaster we got.
Obama will forever be remembered as the empty suit and the mess he left is the result of an overgrown government , a liberal PC culture and led to Trump.
A crass individual but one it is beginning to look like might be able to clean up the mess of obama.
I was 10 years old when John Kennedy was elected. I remember it will (for a 10 year old) at about that age I started paying attention to who was President. I remember The Famous TV debate with Nixon and when he won. I can remember yesterday when JK was killed in Dallas. My memories as a child were that he was young and popular.
Then LBJ.....for many years as a kid growing up. (I remain a student of his man to this day) What comes to mind ? Vietnam. Then I remember Nixon of course taking over when I was in HS. I remember he was popular and everyone believed he would get us out of LBJs war. He did. Then Watergate (which is all he will ever be remembered for) But my biggest take-a-way is that Nixon was a smart man and got caught up in Politics. Then Ford. I remember exactly nothing. NOTHING>
BUT I do remember his loss to Carter and as a young man watching a failure and goofball (everyone, even democrats believed Carter was incompetent ) so Carter will always be remembered as incompetent. Then Ronaldnus Magnus. That is my standard for greatness. I so remember the media going face plant and losing their minds but how the Great One defeated the Soviets and set in motion the greatest economic boom the country has ever seen. Then came Bush Sr. ....I remember nothing....Only thinking he was a place holder for Reagan...then I remember the famous debate with the slick mister and Bush Sr looking at this watch....he lost and in came Clinton (the Slick Mister) Now I do remember the change of course and today thinking that Bill was a greasy guy looking for pu**Y, but by that time I knew Kennedy did the same thing....I also remember that Bill was not the issue, his wife Hillary was. There we all knew was an embittered woman with ambition who would cut the nuts off any man or destroy any woman who got in her way. I remember the Hillary Care debacle. I remember he hiding billing records and that Hillary was the leader for FemiNazis. She was a witch. But mostly I remember Bill for understanding economics. Then of course Bush....I remember he was privilaged not overly bright but a decent guy.. HIs life and ours changed with 911.
Then Obama/ The empty suit that the perfect storm and arrived that the liberals and the socialist professors who had been infecting our universities cumulated into the disaster we got.
Obama will forever be remembered as the empty suit and the mess he left is the result of an overgrown government , a liberal PC culture and led to Trump.
A crass individual but one it is beginning to look like might be able to clean up the mess of obama.
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