Just in case anyone wanted to know how @Patriot Raider is doing over on 247 Sports
ExSaddleTramp 4657 posts
15 hours ago
was on 3 boards the 247 board too before its merging with this board. Due to the long number of yrs I was on this board and 247 the yearly rate I pay is very nice shall I say. Plus it is locked in.
Anyway the first time I posted on creationism vs evolution man did it create a firestorm. You can see that today. Its been double digits yrs ago. Anyway from that first post I was public enemy no.1.
Then when I posted the truth about how we stole Raider Power from O$U in the early 70;s when I was in Tramps and we were in SWC and they were in Big 8. Oh my it really hit the fan. I was there, Finally a pledge brother of mine Jeff Klotzman was on the board{s} and he told me at a Tramp reunion it was him that got on the board to rescue me form all the hatred to validate my story. He was tired of me taking so much abuse for telling the truth as he was there with me at that game too.
Later some things I said and told were deliberately twisted and changed totally around and then when I said I knew some people they went and telling the twisted or total lie about what I said they had exposed me as a fraud. I replied, Heck if you told me what you said you told them I would call myself a liar too because that is NOT the truth and certainly not the way I told it. that started happening so much it got nauseating.
Even when I explained how closely I worked with coach Steve Sloan and Bill Parcells when I was the head of Athletic Recruiting in Tramps one semester. Esp the fall for football. I was elected Active of the Semester that semester. Since I was studying to be a coach they let me watch film with them and go to practices and learn from them. The one I remember most was when Sloan was teaching Rodney Allison how to role out and quit throwing the ball into the ground whichever side he was rolling out or running to . I will never forget those techniques he taught him that day and Rodney go so much better that day. Well next thing I hear I was claiming to be a grad asst coach that yr and had trained Rodney Allison how to throw the ball, That is just one example of how wild it got,
Anyway the final straw that broke my back. Was one night a guy got on Rivals and told me how he was going to get me tied up and then do all these vile sexual repulsive acts to my wife and make me watch.It was worse than rape it was well Ill leave it at that I can't begin to repeat how vile it was. That night even some of most vile haters of me took him to task over that and said he had gone way over the line. He kept it up. So I filed a protest with A Dickens and Chris Level and Rob Giovenetti. I filled an official complaint with Rivals. They took it down. I should have copied it, All three of them lied to Rivals and blamed me for it and I was suspended for over 6 months off the site. Later a guy even referred to that incident. I copied it and sent it to Rivals to show it wasn't made up etc but again I was the bad guy and suspended again.
I now had had as much as I could take. So I started fighting back hard and I mean hard. I fought like Trump does. I'd already been fighting against so much lying and twisting of truth but that was really it. Attack me but leave my wife and or women out of it. sI actually went to the next game in Lubbock planning to get after AD and CL and during their show. You don't treat my wife that vulgar and lie and make me the bad gjuy and I get suspended for 6 months.
That has truly colored my responses for a long long time. It still to this day bothers me. How would those guys feel if it had happened to their wife or kids or esp daughters.
Anyway. All of this to say. I still believe the very same way. That won't change. Yes I did write Dr. Mike Diini at Tech to challenge him to a debate. He never even answered the questions I knew as an evolutionist he can't answer. I esp resented him not giving a referral for post grad work to a student unless they agree to be an evolutionist. I complained about that to Kent Hance and others. That is brainwashing and not the purpose of education to force his beliefs on a student. Then to block further education if they don't bend to his will. Kent Hance was a teacher and a Saddle Tramp sponsor when I was in Tramps.
You guys have no idea the many things I do to fight injustice in many ways and many areas. As a teacher in prison for 4 yrs. I have fought the injustice in it, The system is set up for them to fail and keep coming back. It is ridiculous what I saw. I saw people die in prison due to horrible medical care but the media never got a hold of it and its all covered up. Some of the stories I could tell you. I am a believer in the death penalty but what I saw in the system will never rehab people. Its designed for them to fail and make them money. I loved teaching there due to not having to deal with parents of "perfect" kids and its always the teachers fault.
Parents need to wake up to the fact that kids don't need friends they need parents despite how they protest. They need to know they have boundaries that show someone really cares.
Anyway, AS you know i m long winded. I haven't always responded like I should as Jesus and turn the other cheek. So I will do my humanly best and be the best Jesus I can be. As the saying goes. Witness for Jesus and speak only when necessary. But do realize he told the truth and threw money changers out of the temple twice and did call out people for hypocrisy. Of course as Jesus he had that right. Yet the book of James is the way of distinguishing the true believer who must have works to accompany his faith or his faith is dead. That is per James Jesus 1/2 brother that didn't become a believer until His resurrection My comments will be in general terms but backed by scripture. If we discuss something please lets do it scripture by verses and not opinion unless explaining what you interpret it to mean or use a link discussing what you think it means. Why I always list scriptures.
I'm sorry for my failures and will do my best to do better was listening to something this morning and it went along with something I felt the Lord had been telling me to do, Of course as a human sinner saved by grace I haven't always responded as I should per Jesus saying to turn the other check.
I'll explain a little but it in no way excuses it except in one case I admit to this day I still have a very very hard time forgiving.
Anyway I will apologize for not being the Jesus I should be although I can't apologize for the beliefs I stand for and compromise for them. As the saying goes, Withnes for Jesus and speak only when necessary.
I promise to my my human best and it doesn't excuse my past failures but maybe you at least understand it better and the forgiveness part if up to me if i can earn it from you. Time will tell,
ExSaddleTramp 4657 posts
15 hours ago
was on 3 boards the 247 board too before its merging with this board. Due to the long number of yrs I was on this board and 247 the yearly rate I pay is very nice shall I say. Plus it is locked in.
Anyway the first time I posted on creationism vs evolution man did it create a firestorm. You can see that today. Its been double digits yrs ago. Anyway from that first post I was public enemy no.1.
Then when I posted the truth about how we stole Raider Power from O$U in the early 70;s when I was in Tramps and we were in SWC and they were in Big 8. Oh my it really hit the fan. I was there, Finally a pledge brother of mine Jeff Klotzman was on the board{s} and he told me at a Tramp reunion it was him that got on the board to rescue me form all the hatred to validate my story. He was tired of me taking so much abuse for telling the truth as he was there with me at that game too.
Later some things I said and told were deliberately twisted and changed totally around and then when I said I knew some people they went and telling the twisted or total lie about what I said they had exposed me as a fraud. I replied, Heck if you told me what you said you told them I would call myself a liar too because that is NOT the truth and certainly not the way I told it. that started happening so much it got nauseating.
Even when I explained how closely I worked with coach Steve Sloan and Bill Parcells when I was the head of Athletic Recruiting in Tramps one semester. Esp the fall for football. I was elected Active of the Semester that semester. Since I was studying to be a coach they let me watch film with them and go to practices and learn from them. The one I remember most was when Sloan was teaching Rodney Allison how to role out and quit throwing the ball into the ground whichever side he was rolling out or running to . I will never forget those techniques he taught him that day and Rodney go so much better that day. Well next thing I hear I was claiming to be a grad asst coach that yr and had trained Rodney Allison how to throw the ball, That is just one example of how wild it got,
Anyway the final straw that broke my back. Was one night a guy got on Rivals and told me how he was going to get me tied up and then do all these vile sexual repulsive acts to my wife and make me watch.It was worse than rape it was well Ill leave it at that I can't begin to repeat how vile it was. That night even some of most vile haters of me took him to task over that and said he had gone way over the line. He kept it up. So I filed a protest with A Dickens and Chris Level and Rob Giovenetti. I filled an official complaint with Rivals. They took it down. I should have copied it, All three of them lied to Rivals and blamed me for it and I was suspended for over 6 months off the site. Later a guy even referred to that incident. I copied it and sent it to Rivals to show it wasn't made up etc but again I was the bad guy and suspended again.
I now had had as much as I could take. So I started fighting back hard and I mean hard. I fought like Trump does. I'd already been fighting against so much lying and twisting of truth but that was really it. Attack me but leave my wife and or women out of it. sI actually went to the next game in Lubbock planning to get after AD and CL and during their show. You don't treat my wife that vulgar and lie and make me the bad gjuy and I get suspended for 6 months.
That has truly colored my responses for a long long time. It still to this day bothers me. How would those guys feel if it had happened to their wife or kids or esp daughters.
Anyway. All of this to say. I still believe the very same way. That won't change. Yes I did write Dr. Mike Diini at Tech to challenge him to a debate. He never even answered the questions I knew as an evolutionist he can't answer. I esp resented him not giving a referral for post grad work to a student unless they agree to be an evolutionist. I complained about that to Kent Hance and others. That is brainwashing and not the purpose of education to force his beliefs on a student. Then to block further education if they don't bend to his will. Kent Hance was a teacher and a Saddle Tramp sponsor when I was in Tramps.
You guys have no idea the many things I do to fight injustice in many ways and many areas. As a teacher in prison for 4 yrs. I have fought the injustice in it, The system is set up for them to fail and keep coming back. It is ridiculous what I saw. I saw people die in prison due to horrible medical care but the media never got a hold of it and its all covered up. Some of the stories I could tell you. I am a believer in the death penalty but what I saw in the system will never rehab people. Its designed for them to fail and make them money. I loved teaching there due to not having to deal with parents of "perfect" kids and its always the teachers fault.
Parents need to wake up to the fact that kids don't need friends they need parents despite how they protest. They need to know they have boundaries that show someone really cares.
Anyway, AS you know i m long winded. I haven't always responded like I should as Jesus and turn the other cheek. So I will do my humanly best and be the best Jesus I can be. As the saying goes. Witness for Jesus and speak only when necessary. But do realize he told the truth and threw money changers out of the temple twice and did call out people for hypocrisy. Of course as Jesus he had that right. Yet the book of James is the way of distinguishing the true believer who must have works to accompany his faith or his faith is dead. That is per James Jesus 1/2 brother that didn't become a believer until His resurrection My comments will be in general terms but backed by scripture. If we discuss something please lets do it scripture by verses and not opinion unless explaining what you interpret it to mean or use a link discussing what you think it means. Why I always list scriptures.
I'm sorry for my failures and will do my best to do better was listening to something this morning and it went along with something I felt the Lord had been telling me to do, Of course as a human sinner saved by grace I haven't always responded as I should per Jesus saying to turn the other check.
I'll explain a little but it in no way excuses it except in one case I admit to this day I still have a very very hard time forgiving.
Anyway I will apologize for not being the Jesus I should be although I can't apologize for the beliefs I stand for and compromise for them. As the saying goes, Withnes for Jesus and speak only when necessary.
I promise to my my human best and it doesn't excuse my past failures but maybe you at least understand it better and the forgiveness part if up to me if i can earn it from you. Time will tell,