Wife works at a small company, is #2 in line out of 3. Has a degree, is really good at what she does, and gets paid terrible. Another company comes along, decides to hire her, give her a fairly big raise, with more in 3 months (if everything works), big bonuses when they do well. All in all, after a year or so, it should be more than double her salary now. Now her current company figures out they are screwed without her, and it will cripple them to lose her. They offered her a 30% raise (after her $500/yr raise last year which really pissed me off), with another 33% when #1 leaves, and keep telling her that she is making a bad choice and making her feel terrible about leaving. That would put her in the same neighborhood as the new job, but with a lot more flexibility, salary vs hourly, familiarity, but no bonuses etc.
It really pisses me off that she was less valuable to old job a week ago than she is now, plus I helped her get the new job and the new job is one of my businesses biggest customers. It could really screw me up if they get mad at us. I have stayed really neutral in this deal and not pushed her either way, and I don't want to get her to get mad at me if everything doesn't work out in the new job.
How much should flexibility weigh in? Should she feel bad that she is going to nearly shut her old place down? How much should I try to push her one way or the other, or continue to stay out of it.
It really pisses me off that she was less valuable to old job a week ago than she is now, plus I helped her get the new job and the new job is one of my businesses biggest customers. It could really screw me up if they get mad at us. I have stayed really neutral in this deal and not pushed her either way, and I don't want to get her to get mad at me if everything doesn't work out in the new job.
How much should flexibility weigh in? Should she feel bad that she is going to nearly shut her old place down? How much should I try to push her one way or the other, or continue to stay out of it.