Piggybacking on the Top 10 Favorite TV Series Thread. Not ranked. Just keeping count. There's a tone more. A lot more.
1. The Simpsons - Homer becomes really really stupid
2. Gilligan's Island - Show went to color and celebrities keep landing on the island
3. Friends - Monica and Chandler start dating
4. Orange is the New Black - last episode of season 1. Piper just isn't tough
5. All in the Family - Meathead and Gloria leave show
6. Downton Abbey - Irish peasant chauffeur son in law all of a sudden knows how to run the estate
7. Homeland - Carrie simply becomes unbelievable as a CIA agent
8. Brady Bunch - what came first? The trip to Hawaii episode or the intro of Cousin Oliver? (Recently watching this show, I can't believe I liked it as a kid).
9. Lilyhammer - writers took what started as hilarious comedy and turned it into cliche gangster show
10. Happy Days - Richie's older brother disappears without mention and Fonzie goes from comic relief character to stupid primary character. Many episides before his encounter with Jaws.
1. The Simpsons - Homer becomes really really stupid
2. Gilligan's Island - Show went to color and celebrities keep landing on the island
3. Friends - Monica and Chandler start dating
4. Orange is the New Black - last episode of season 1. Piper just isn't tough
5. All in the Family - Meathead and Gloria leave show
6. Downton Abbey - Irish peasant chauffeur son in law all of a sudden knows how to run the estate
7. Homeland - Carrie simply becomes unbelievable as a CIA agent
8. Brady Bunch - what came first? The trip to Hawaii episode or the intro of Cousin Oliver? (Recently watching this show, I can't believe I liked it as a kid).
9. Lilyhammer - writers took what started as hilarious comedy and turned it into cliche gangster show
10. Happy Days - Richie's older brother disappears without mention and Fonzie goes from comic relief character to stupid primary character. Many episides before his encounter with Jaws.