Headed there next week with the fam and gf and looking for any advice or recs while we're there. We're staying at Frenchman's Reef for 5 nights so we'll have some of time to branch out. Hear lots of people recommend or prefer St. John to St. Thomas so we definitely plan on venturing over there some but didn't know if it was as easy as hopping on a ferry or something you'd want to plan out in advance.
Anyways, any of you who have been I'd like to know some of your favorite spots and activities while in the area. We know we want to snorkel and hit up some of the various beaches but don't know if there are any must see or must do type things.
Anyways, any of you who have been I'd like to know some of your favorite spots and activities while in the area. We know we want to snorkel and hit up some of the various beaches but don't know if there are any must see or must do type things.