So I rolled over a 401k from my first job into an IRA. I don't contribute to it and it is managed by an online company called Future Advisor. There is only about $15,000 in the account so it isn't like I am banking on this for my retirement, but I sure don't want to see it waste away.
Anyway what is the right way to manage an account like this? Let FutureAdvisors algorithms keep doing its thing? Or pull out until the market gets better?
If I contributed to this account like I do my other ones I wouldn't be concerned since I know I was buying the investments much cheaper, but since I don't contribute to this one I am going back and forth on how to handle it.
Anyway what is the right way to manage an account like this? Let FutureAdvisors algorithms keep doing its thing? Or pull out until the market gets better?
If I contributed to this account like I do my other ones I wouldn't be concerned since I know I was buying the investments much cheaper, but since I don't contribute to this one I am going back and forth on how to handle it.