well it finally happened. After carrying this site for year(s) I have a sizeable protrusion of my L5 (6mm) and not so sizeable protrusion of my L4 (2mm) and L3 (1.4mm) in my back.
This is my first foray into back issues and doctor has recommended cortisone shots and thinks it can provide relief for years.
I’m not really questioning that, though I would like to get any feedback from any one of that have had these shots, but moreso of this will help heal it? From what I gather it’ll help with the irritation and inflammation, but maybe not necessarily be a permanent solution.
Is this just a ‘band aid’ until surgery is required or can these shots actually help get rid of these bulging disc permanently? Also doctor said I’d be sore a day or two after the shots, but I should notice a huge difference in my discomfort within 24 hours. Is this true?
This is my first foray into back issues and doctor has recommended cortisone shots and thinks it can provide relief for years.
I’m not really questioning that, though I would like to get any feedback from any one of that have had these shots, but moreso of this will help heal it? From what I gather it’ll help with the irritation and inflammation, but maybe not necessarily be a permanent solution.
Is this just a ‘band aid’ until surgery is required or can these shots actually help get rid of these bulging disc permanently? Also doctor said I’d be sore a day or two after the shots, but I should notice a huge difference in my discomfort within 24 hours. Is this true?