1. Joined the board during the great conference realignment chaos of 2011
2. Undergrad at Tech. Live in WilCo
3. Love Whiskey hate Beer
4. I have a Raider Red Iphone, come at me
5. I need attention
6. I will retire my username if @Chris Beard ever wants to join our forum anonymously and/or when we win a Natty out of respek
7. Tip at Sonic you cheap bastards
8. Sonic sucks, so don't go.
9. I used @D. Kohnle Tmobile suggestion and got a free year of Atlantic.
10. Basketball > Football (tech independent)
2. Undergrad at Tech. Live in WilCo
3. Love Whiskey hate Beer
4. I have a Raider Red Iphone, come at me
5. I need attention
6. I will retire my username if @Chris Beard ever wants to join our forum anonymously and/or when we win a Natty out of respek
7. Tip at Sonic you cheap bastards
8. Sonic sucks, so don't go.
9. I used @D. Kohnle Tmobile suggestion and got a free year of Atlantic.
10. Basketball > Football (tech independent)