Was very impressed that we may have 25 who have net worths of over 5 million. To me this is a positive if we really do. Unfortunately a number of members called them liars and said if they did they should have a building named after them or buy a football team for us. There is freedom of speech on here and I realize that but if these people who have this net worth do in fact as I would suppose most do contribute to Texas Tech they have the freedom to stop the contributions if many of the members make comments calling them liars and absolutely dislike them because they have money. Being 69 years old I know quite a few Texas Tech people I went to school with who I am sure are in this category and do give scholarship money etc. Dont know if they are on this board or not but they would be disappointed at some of the comments that were made and would take offense to it. Texas Tech needs alumni who have money and graduates who respect their accomplishments.