While I happen to think we are uniquely positioned among the Top 8, seven other fanbases will be thinking the exact same thing next week. I thought this was interesting to see how many national seeds make it to Omaha each year. Just under half over the last decade.
2016: 3/8
2015: 4/8
2014: 2/8
2013: 3/8
2012: 4/8
2011: 6/8
2010: 3/8
2009: 5/8
2008: 6/8
2007: 3/8
2016: 3/8
2015: 4/8
2014: 2/8
2013: 3/8
2012: 4/8
2011: 6/8
2010: 3/8
2009: 5/8
2008: 6/8
2007: 3/8