Has this just become unwatchable for anyone besides me? I normally don't watch it, but I tuned in to the 10:00 news after the Game of Thrones finale last night, because they were pimping the new stories about the Houston mom that shot her 2 daughters and the shooting at the Dance Studio in Ft. Worth and some other topic that I don't recall now that sounded interesting. Anyway they proceeded to talk about everything except what they had been promoting. There was an entire block, commercial to commercial about some ceremony celebrating gay marriage and some other gay issues. I have no opinion on gay marriage and support equal rights for them, but I don't really care to hear about what 3.8% of the population is doing with their free time. Other than that, it seemed like constant updates of non existent weather and more commercials than news. Anyway, it just seemed like a huge waste of 30 minutes of programming. I guess back to Yahoo and Google for my news.