as if we haven’t discussed him enough—I was never a fan of Leach due to his abrupt and rude style with several sideline reporters just doing their jobs, and because of his churlish attitude regarding our admin.
But I did enjoy the product he normally put on the field (with a few awful exceptions).
It’s my understanding that most of what was alleged by the James Gang was concocted, which came out in deposition, well after he was canned. In other words, it is my understanding that to a significant degree, he was accused wrongly. Having said that, Mike Leach was and is his own worst enemy.
He turned the program around to the point that it was relevant on the national scale, and no one had done that before, nor has anyone done that since.
We need to reach a settlement. Firing him for insubordination was legit, but the timing was lousy, and puts Tech in a bad light. He will continue his crusade against Tech until he is satisfied.
Reach an agreement, require him to make a statement that Tech is not the ogre he portrayed us to be, and be done with it. Make him agree to drop any and all charges pending and stop the incessant diatribe. The ridiculous publicity will continue until this is put to rest.
And yes, I will contribute $1,000 towards a settlement.
But I did enjoy the product he normally put on the field (with a few awful exceptions).
It’s my understanding that most of what was alleged by the James Gang was concocted, which came out in deposition, well after he was canned. In other words, it is my understanding that to a significant degree, he was accused wrongly. Having said that, Mike Leach was and is his own worst enemy.
He turned the program around to the point that it was relevant on the national scale, and no one had done that before, nor has anyone done that since.
We need to reach a settlement. Firing him for insubordination was legit, but the timing was lousy, and puts Tech in a bad light. He will continue his crusade against Tech until he is satisfied.
Reach an agreement, require him to make a statement that Tech is not the ogre he portrayed us to be, and be done with it. Make him agree to drop any and all charges pending and stop the incessant diatribe. The ridiculous publicity will continue until this is put to rest.
And yes, I will contribute $1,000 towards a settlement.