For those who are ripping Tubby for his actions and lack of character in his handling of leaving Tech for Memphis, would you not have a problem with a coach who accepted a position at a school and then about a week later before the ink is dry on the new contract, bolts for another school?
I'm not taking sides here. Just getting a chuckle about people getting bent out of shape with the way Tubby has handled all this, screwing us over, showing no commitment or loyalty,etc., and in virtually the same breath, when it comes to Chris Beard and UNLV, "Come on, coach, that's OK. Let's get to Lubbock and get this party started."
Glass houses, stones and all that.
Perspective easily changes when it's you on the other end.
I'm not taking sides here. Just getting a chuckle about people getting bent out of shape with the way Tubby has handled all this, screwing us over, showing no commitment or loyalty,etc., and in virtually the same breath, when it comes to Chris Beard and UNLV, "Come on, coach, that's OK. Let's get to Lubbock and get this party started."
Glass houses, stones and all that.
Perspective easily changes when it's you on the other end.