Just took a gander at the message board on Baylorfans. Here's a sampling:
Stidham to MCC (13 pages)
The case against a self-imposed death penalty
Can we at least throw some blame at Art?
Welp, Kendal is gone for sure now
Texas Monthly article reportedly coming out sometime in July
Now this is what I call summertime reading. Oh, how I love seeing those douches drowning in their own tears of denial. I know what I'll be doing for the next hour.
Stidham to MCC (13 pages)
The case against a self-imposed death penalty
Can we at least throw some blame at Art?
Welp, Kendal is gone for sure now
Texas Monthly article reportedly coming out sometime in July
Now this is what I call summertime reading. Oh, how I love seeing those douches drowning in their own tears of denial. I know what I'll be doing for the next hour.