I have been with United Healthcare since 2010 but my individual insurance policy is getting cancelled on Jan 1 due to the ACA. My rate in 2010 was $484/month with a $5000 deductible.
NOW if I chose to get insurance in 2017 my comparable rate would be $1741/month with an $8,250 deductible! I just got this quote off healthcare.gov even though plans can't be purchased until tomorrow.
I'm done! What are others in the RRS community going to do?
Today I signed up with a Christian Sharing Program that gets around the Obama/Insurance Tax and will only cost my family $450/month. I know about 15 people on these plans and two of them recently have kids and everything was taken care of so we decided to jump ship and get on the train
If anyone is interested in here is a website for more information www.christiansp.com
Not to be political but for anyone to claim the ACA/Obamacare is working doesn't understand what it is doing to small business and the middle class.
NOW if I chose to get insurance in 2017 my comparable rate would be $1741/month with an $8,250 deductible! I just got this quote off healthcare.gov even though plans can't be purchased until tomorrow.
I'm done! What are others in the RRS community going to do?
Today I signed up with a Christian Sharing Program that gets around the Obama/Insurance Tax and will only cost my family $450/month. I know about 15 people on these plans and two of them recently have kids and everything was taken care of so we decided to jump ship and get on the train
If anyone is interested in here is a website for more information www.christiansp.com
Not to be political but for anyone to claim the ACA/Obamacare is working doesn't understand what it is doing to small business and the middle class.