Harrison Butker (Will go very well, clearly.)


Gold Member
Nov 1, 2012
Houston, Texas
Here is his FULL commencement speech at Benedictine College, a Catholic school.

The National Media is absolutely blowing him up and the NFL already released a statement.

Someone tell me what he said at any point would be against family values, building a life, or anything of the sort?

Meanwhile here are the arrest statistics for that same league since 2000.

DUI - 257
Drugs - 131
Domestic Violence - 129
Assault/Battery - 120
Gun Crimes - 65
Disorderly Conduct - 55
Alcohol - 46
Resisting Arrest - 33
Theft - 23
Sex Crime - 20
Murder - 10
Animal Abuse - 9

I just don't remember an NFL statement after Ray Rice caved that girl's face in.

Make it make sense!?
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Here is his FULL commencement speech at Benedictine College, a Catholic school.

The National Media is absolutely blowing him up and the NFL already released a statement.

Someone tell me what he said at any point would be against family values, building a life, or anything of the sort?

Meanwhile here are the arrest statistics for that same league since 2000.

DUI - 257
Drugs - 131
Domestic Violence - 129
Assault/Battery - 120
Gun Crimes - 65
Disorderly Conduct - 55
Alcohol - 46
Resisting Arrest - 33
Theft - 23
Sex Crime - 20
Murder - 10
Animal Abuse - 9

I just don't remember an NFL statement after Ray Rice caved that girl's face in.

Make it make sense!?

I'd rather listen to the 1-877-Kars4kids song than that douchebag's commencement speech.
Here is his FULL commencement speech at Benedictine College, a Catholic school.

The National Media is absolutely blowing him up and the NFL already released a statement.

Someone tell me what he said at any point would be against family values, building a life, or anything of the sort?

Meanwhile here are the arrest statistics for that same league since 2000.

DUI - 257
Drugs - 131
Domestic Violence - 129
Assault/Battery - 120
Gun Crimes - 65
Disorderly Conduct - 55
Alcohol - 46
Resisting Arrest - 33
Theft - 23
Sex Crime - 20
Murder - 10
Animal Abuse - 9

I just don't remember an NFL statement after Ray Rice caved that girl's face in.

Make it make sense!?

Being against ivf is against family values.

People who can't think outside their politics are brain damaged.
Laura Ingraham Told LeBron James To Shut Up And Dribble.

But we should take life advice from a punter?
As a former pub, imagine believing anything you have to say. As usual, the child groomers completely missed the point of his speech.

Meanwhile, the kicker is condemned for speaking at a graduation. I thought houseplant was the most religious catholic president eVaR.
Here is his FULL commencement speech at Benedictine College, a Catholic school.

The National Media is absolutely blowing him up and the NFL already released a statement.

Someone tell me what he said at any point would be against family values, building a life, or anything of the sort?

Meanwhile here are the arrest statistics for that same league since 2000.

DUI - 257
Drugs - 131
Domestic Violence - 129
Assault/Battery - 120
Gun Crimes - 65
Disorderly Conduct - 55
Alcohol - 46
Resisting Arrest - 33
Theft - 23
Sex Crime - 20
Murder - 10
Animal Abuse - 9

I just don't remember an NFL statement after Ray Rice caved that girl's face in.

Make it make sense!?

I wish I could give this post a 1000 likes.
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As a former pub, imagine believing anything you have to say. As usual, the child groomers completely missed the point of his speech.

Meanwhile, the kicker is condemned for speaking at a graduation. I thought houseplant was the most religious catholic president eVaR.

I'm not voting for the dude who was friend with Epstein the groomer.

I'm simply pointing out when it's LeBron James he's told to shut up and dribble by the Right. But when an NFL kicker says something they agree with they signal boost it and say listen to the athlete.

Both are Americans and have a right to speak their mind. Only one gets told up to shut up by Fox News. Then when people do the same to the kicker suddenly we should hear athletes out.
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I'm not voting for the dude who was friend with Epstein the groomer.

I'm simply pointing out when it's LeBron James he's told to shut up and dribble by the Right. But when an NFL kicker says something they agree with they signal boost it and say listen to the athlete.

Both are Americans and have a right to speak their mind. Only one gets told up to shut up by Fox News. Then when people do the same to the kicker suddenly we should hear athletes out.
What about the guy who showered with his daughter?
Values like Mr. Butker’s doesn’t belong in the NFL anymore, which is exactly why I quit watching them when the dipsticks started kneeling for the National Anthem.

I would rather watch a 1-10 high school team rather than watch the morally bankrupt NFL.
What about the guy who showered with his daughter?
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I'm not voting for the dude who was friend with Epstein the groomer.

I'm simply pointing out when it's LeBron James he's told to shut up and dribble by the Right. But when an NFL kicker says something they agree with they signal boost it and say listen to the athlete.

Both are Americans and have a right to speak their mind. Only one gets told up to shut up by Fox News. Then when people do the same to the kicker suddenly we should hear athletes out.
LeBron James spoke at a private college?
His jerseys outselling all others at the moment

Maybe we should track down those people with their purchase history and put them in camps for a while. Yeah that’s the ticket
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Is that what he said? Oh well then nevermiind. The rest of that was AI or something?
He was gay in college. Like the biggest mouths on the right. They are trying to cover their own shame.
There's shame in being gay?
Institutions getting involved because some SNOWFLAKES couldn’t handle a commencement speech they didn’t like is one of the most pathetic things I have ever seen.

The the city of KC is now shitting bricks. What a bunch of morons.

I'm not voting for the dude who was friend with Epstein the groomer.

I'm simply pointing out when it's LeBron James he's told to shut up and dribble by the Right. But when an NFL kicker says something they agree with they signal boost it and say listen to the athlete.

Both are Americans and have a right to speak their mind. Only one gets told up to shut up by Fox News. Then when people do the same to the kicker suddenly we should hear athletes out.

Comparing Harrison Butker's speech to anything even imitating intelligent political speech by Lebron James is f****** hilarious. Like an SNL skit.

Good news though for you. You get to vote for Kamala Harris!

Lebron reading the first page of every book ever.

Traditional marriage = BAD

Idolizing trans people = GOOD

So much for being open minded. And these are the people who proclaim they are on the good side of history.

This is the modern day left.

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Nails it. Perfectly articulates the right vs left response to things they disagree with.

The right basically thinks whoever said it is an idiot and moves on. The left loses their marbles and as the article says “all control of their bodily functions”😂, calling for firings, cancellations, labeling people, blah blah etc. Fvckjng cry babies.

The rest of us reasonable, sound minded people just go on with our lives.

Our unhinged, far left loser friends won’t even bother to click this, but they should. Not that it’ll change anything.

This is who the nyc dim party is. They get butthurt because he wasn't preaching mutilation of kids in elementary school like biden.

I'm not voting for the dude who was friend with Epstein the groomer.

I'm simply pointing out when it's LeBron James he's told to shut up and dribble by the Right. But when an NFL kicker says something they agree with they signal boost it and say listen to the athlete.

Both are Americans and have a right to speak their mind. Only one gets told up to shut up by Fox News. Then when people do the same to the kicker suddenly we should hear athletes out.
I read the speech last night. And, I read up a bit on Benedictine College. Context matters here. As far as you not needing life advice from a kicker … well, it wasn’t directed at you anyway, or me, or to the public generally. It was a commencement address at a faith-based Catholic college. A college located within the Archdiocese of Kansas City. He was invited to give the address. I’m willing to wager that the administration of the college had a lot to do with its content. He wasn’t shooting his mouth off to a sport journalist or throwing it out there in a tweet.

Candidly, the address didn’t pull any punches and doubtless would not appeal to many. I don’t agree with everything he said, for that matter.

So Laura Igraham told LeBron to “shut up and dribble” and that bothers you? Well, did he shut up? Nope. And I suspect Butker won’t either. Personally, I don’t care to hear political or social commentary from any entertainer (which is what professional athletes are), and I don’t care what their political bent is. Jon Voight or Kevin Sarbo hold no more sway on me than would George Clooney. My question is why would anyone give any credence to the political opinion of an actor or singer or athlete? Someone who can memorize a script and repeat it back, strum a guitar or dunk a basketball is no better equipped to tell me how to think than anyone else… they just get the opportunity to spew due to notoriety gained by said repeating, strumming or dunking.

But you’re bent out of shape because Fox News told LeBron to shut up annd dribble? Are you bent out of shape that some columnist from the Kansas City Star wrote that Butker ought to be fired? I mean, it wasn’t “shut up and kick”… it’s “I disagree with you so you ought to lose your livelihood” (that same idiot columnist wants the Chiefs to replace him with a woman, btw). Don’t try to act like leftists are all about freedom of expression: they’re not.
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I've seen a ton of outrage from the political left about this speech, but I haven't seen a single one of them articulate, with precise quotes, what he said that was "outrage" worthy.

Can anyone on the left quote me a single sentence he said that would have even drawn a headline 20 years ago?
I've seen a ton of outrage from the political left about this speech, but I haven't seen a single one of them articulate, with precise quotes, what he said that was "outrage" worthy.

Can anyone on the left quote me a single sentence he said that would have even drawn a headline 20 years ago?
Well, let’s face it, the man touched upon several topics that are sure-fire liberal dog whistles: abortion, gender identity, the mishandling of Covid measures, and even criticizing Biden. He had to know he would draw fire for what he said.
Well, let’s face it, the man touched upon several topics that are sure-fire liberal dog whistles: abortion, gender identity, the mishandling of Covid measures, and even criticizing Biden. He had to know he would draw fire for what he said.
He clearly said, "our faith has always been countercultural".

If your faith perfectly aligns with the modern culture, that's the surest sign that you've wandered from the path. You're misinterpreting the scripture and/or just ignoring it to worship the secular culture. The current value system progressives hold dear will look completely different in 10 years, God's word in 1024, is the same as God's word in 2024 and it will be the same in 3024.
He clearly said, "our faith has always been countercultural".

If your faith perfectly aligns with the modern culture, that's the surest sign that you've wandered from the path. You're misinterpreting the scripture and/or just ignoring it to worship the secular culture. The current value system progressives hold dear will look completely different in 10 years, God's word in 1024, is the same as God's word in 2024 and it will be the same in 3024.
Matthew Henry is just as relevant today as he was in 1706.

Matthew 10:34-35.
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He clearly said, "our faith has always been countercultural".

If your faith perfectly aligns with the modern culture, that's the surest sign that you've wandered from the path. You're misinterpreting the scripture and/or just ignoring it to worship the secular culture. The current value system progressives hold dear will look completely different in 10 years, God's word in 1024, is the same as God's word in 2024 and it will be the same in 3024.
Yeah, I know what he said. My point to you was only that he knew he’d draw fire for his address: he’d have to be brain dead not to.

And believe me, I feel pretty strongly about Christian doctrine not changing to fit the fashion of the day. I’m on the hunt for a new church because the one I have been a member of all my life has just officially changed its on a pretty clear issue as far as Biblical teaching is concerned. Sorry, can’t stay here.
This is a really good example of how far into distinction we are as a culture. Liberal ideas are/were centered on freedom principals. You know, live and let live, man.

According to the outrage, an athlete should not be allowed to go to a Christian college to talk about the values that said Christian college endeavors to teach. So not only should we shut down variety of opinions, but we should abolish colleges that are Christian in nature.

Even if you are wildly opposed to what he said or believes, how can you miss that it is extremely dangerous to shut down speech that you disagree with? Do any of these folks know a thing about history?

The one that makes little to no sense at all is the part about how powerful the role of mother and wife is somehow hate speech. Do any of these fools have mothers? Mothers are the OG influencers of the world. My wife made me a rich man by doing her thing and releasing me into mine, while raising 6 good human being that are now all adults. What a disposable man I am for that, I suppose.