I only played 3 times in my life. All 3 while a student at Tech in early to mid 70's.
I shot 105, 112, 126. Scores not going in proper direction. Plus my scores got worse as I got better at getting ball in the air.
One thing I learned. I didnt & dont have the patience to learn that game. Its such a fine motor muscle motor sport activity. Geez any small mistake in swing, club face angle & so many other things. Just makes it so hard to learn.
Why I prefer Large motor skill sports like football & basketball. You can make a small .mistake & still complete the pass or make the basket etc. Not true in Golf.
As I watch the Masters with my wife of almost 33 yrs. These guys ate pros & just small mistakes really messes up their score.
I just dont have the patience .myself to ever learn that.
I admire you golfers! Its such a fine motor skill that must be developed. Plus requires a patience I dont have.
I talked to a good friend of mine st church today that is almost 90. Sadly his wife recently had to be put in Alzheimer's facility. Fortunately, as I asked today. He loves golf & gets to play about 3 times a week for fun & relax too from stress of his wife's situation.
I truly admire the skill & time you guys have & do put into that game & learning skills to play it!
I could never do it! My Red Raider hat is tipped to all of you.
BTW. A friend of the family had a stroke today. Any prayers for him, his wife & 3 daughters be appreciated. They have no insurance as due to ObamaCare they couldn't afford it. Tough spot. Plus he's a lefty like my wife & stroke was in right side so its effected his left side & ability to think.
Heck my brother just a few days ago that's had .multiple strokes. Just had to be readmitted to Rehab for another 20 days.
Anyway. Congrats to you golfers & skills & personal dedication you've shown to get to wherever you are in the game. I admire that!
I shot 105, 112, 126. Scores not going in proper direction. Plus my scores got worse as I got better at getting ball in the air.
One thing I learned. I didnt & dont have the patience to learn that game. Its such a fine motor muscle motor sport activity. Geez any small mistake in swing, club face angle & so many other things. Just makes it so hard to learn.
Why I prefer Large motor skill sports like football & basketball. You can make a small .mistake & still complete the pass or make the basket etc. Not true in Golf.
As I watch the Masters with my wife of almost 33 yrs. These guys ate pros & just small mistakes really messes up their score.
I just dont have the patience .myself to ever learn that.
I admire you golfers! Its such a fine motor skill that must be developed. Plus requires a patience I dont have.
I talked to a good friend of mine st church today that is almost 90. Sadly his wife recently had to be put in Alzheimer's facility. Fortunately, as I asked today. He loves golf & gets to play about 3 times a week for fun & relax too from stress of his wife's situation.
I truly admire the skill & time you guys have & do put into that game & learning skills to play it!
I could never do it! My Red Raider hat is tipped to all of you.
BTW. A friend of the family had a stroke today. Any prayers for him, his wife & 3 daughters be appreciated. They have no insurance as due to ObamaCare they couldn't afford it. Tough spot. Plus he's a lefty like my wife & stroke was in right side so its effected his left side & ability to think.
Heck my brother just a few days ago that's had .multiple strokes. Just had to be readmitted to Rehab for another 20 days.
Anyway. Congrats to you golfers & skills & personal dedication you've shown to get to wherever you are in the game. I admire that!