Executive summary: What can and cannot go into the garbage disposal? Also @sholtt91 is the man.
Am I using my garbage disposal correctly? I've always heard that egg shells and potato peelings should never go in to the disposal. Is this the stone cold truth? What about carrot peelings? Chicken bones? Macaroni?
I've heard ice cubes and salt should go in there to help keep the unit clean. Is this legit or junk science?
@sholtt91 calling you out again after your great expertise in the dishwasher thread. With the dishwasher, I now put in my disgusting, practically unrinsed dishes and they do come out perfectly clean and ready for human use. I'm still adjusting to not scraping and rinsing prior to putting dishes into the dishwasher, but it's getting easier over time as I'm changing lifelong habits.
I will note my previous garbage disposal lasted nine years. I replaced it myself with a like for like model, took no time and was easy peasy.
One time an unpopped kernel of corn stopped my disposal, I had to use an offset allen wrench to hand crank it a quarter turn and was then able to fish out the miscreant kernel. I did not pop it but threw it away instead, because I had plenty of other kernels to pop that had not been through the disposal.
Really do appreciate your insight. I do search on the world wide web but I get mixed results. I've decided if a person searches for very long on any topic, they will find every answer imaginable. I just want the fact.
[edit] I always run the hottest water through my disposal, while the directions clearly state to never use hot water and only use the coldest of waters. Am I boning myself?
Am I using my garbage disposal correctly? I've always heard that egg shells and potato peelings should never go in to the disposal. Is this the stone cold truth? What about carrot peelings? Chicken bones? Macaroni?
I've heard ice cubes and salt should go in there to help keep the unit clean. Is this legit or junk science?
@sholtt91 calling you out again after your great expertise in the dishwasher thread. With the dishwasher, I now put in my disgusting, practically unrinsed dishes and they do come out perfectly clean and ready for human use. I'm still adjusting to not scraping and rinsing prior to putting dishes into the dishwasher, but it's getting easier over time as I'm changing lifelong habits.
I will note my previous garbage disposal lasted nine years. I replaced it myself with a like for like model, took no time and was easy peasy.
One time an unpopped kernel of corn stopped my disposal, I had to use an offset allen wrench to hand crank it a quarter turn and was then able to fish out the miscreant kernel. I did not pop it but threw it away instead, because I had plenty of other kernels to pop that had not been through the disposal.
Really do appreciate your insight. I do search on the world wide web but I get mixed results. I've decided if a person searches for very long on any topic, they will find every answer imaginable. I just want the fact.
[edit] I always run the hottest water through my disposal, while the directions clearly state to never use hot water and only use the coldest of waters. Am I boning myself?
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