Fifty 50yrs old and went to Tech and have supported Tech emotionally, physically, and financially.
I wish no ill will on anyone associated with tech or it’s athletic department. Personally I can’t take the disappointment anymore-I have no clue how to fix it or who is to blame and took an honest look in the mirror and decided it’s just sports and I have no control over it. I’ll watch, even cheer and hope for wins. But, at the end of the day it won’t change my life, my wife’s life, or my kids life win or lose.
I wish no ill will on anyone associated with tech or it’s athletic department. Personally I can’t take the disappointment anymore-I have no clue how to fix it or who is to blame and took an honest look in the mirror and decided it’s just sports and I have no control over it. I’ll watch, even cheer and hope for wins. But, at the end of the day it won’t change my life, my wife’s life, or my kids life win or lose.