After the Super Bowl and on sports talk, the discussion has been how Edelman deserves to be in the HOF. Obviously a big part of that talk is simply because he was the one player during the game that was doing a damn thing.
Made me think though, does Wes get into the HOF?
Wes has played 3 more years than Julian, but if you look at their per game stats they are similar.
Edelman: 46.9yrd/game and .3TD/game
Wes: 56.7yrd/game and .3TD/game
Made me think though, does Wes get into the HOF?
Wes has played 3 more years than Julian, but if you look at their per game stats they are similar.
Edelman: 46.9yrd/game and .3TD/game
Wes: 56.7yrd/game and .3TD/game