Alleging collusion.
Not smart but who said democrats are. Will allow Trump, et al, to seek discovery and depose Hildebitch, Debbie Whatshername Sergeant Schultz, and many others under oath about a myriad of things. Russian collusion with Hildebitch/DNC on the Dossier, $145 million going into the Clinton Foundation, and a raft of other issues including forcing the DOJ and FBI to turn over email, texts and other documents they are slow playing or refusing to release. Might also force Mueller to divulge all or parts of his investigation. Dems may not like Assange revealing where he got his information.
Not smart but who said democrats are. Will allow Trump, et al, to seek discovery and depose Hildebitch, Debbie Whatshername Sergeant Schultz, and many others under oath about a myriad of things. Russian collusion with Hildebitch/DNC on the Dossier, $145 million going into the Clinton Foundation, and a raft of other issues including forcing the DOJ and FBI to turn over email, texts and other documents they are slow playing or refusing to release. Might also force Mueller to divulge all or parts of his investigation. Dems may not like Assange revealing where he got his information.