Hey everyone! We are headed to Dallas this weekend, and we were planning on getting some good BBQ. I am a frequent visitor of FW and Arlington, but haven't ever really had the chance to get some of the good stuff in Dallas. I was thinking about hitting up Cattleack, but didn't know what the line situation was on a Friday. Cattleack is on the list so I can officially say I have eaten at 5 of the top 10 on the latest Texas Monthly list (Snows, Interstellar, Panther City, Evie Maes). I'm not opposed to sitting in a line (got to Snows at 6AM a couple years ago and didnt get food until noon), but just more interested in what to prepare for.
I know there will be opinions on why I should go to Blacks, or Pecan Lodge or somewhere else... and I might do that on Saturday while the wife and kid are doing some girly stuff. So please also tell me where I should go on Saturday, and what to get. Bonus if it is of the Mexi-cue variety, cause I love some Hurtado, Panther City, 2M, etc.
I know there will be opinions on why I should go to Blacks, or Pecan Lodge or somewhere else... and I might do that on Saturday while the wife and kid are doing some girly stuff. So please also tell me where I should go on Saturday, and what to get. Bonus if it is of the Mexi-cue variety, cause I love some Hurtado, Panther City, 2M, etc.