Been a minute since a good climate change thread. Figured it might even get @robertbass1252 to climb back out of his hot Florida bunker.
@dgraf @HK_RaiderOwl Genuinely curious to know your thoughts as to the cyclical nature of the climate that this reinforces as does most of our recorded history temps.
For clarity, this isn’t a troll. I’ve got a hybrid, considering an EV and have solar panels on my house. So as a “conservative” I think I’m pretty open minded in this realm

Greenland fossil discovery stuns scientists and confirms that center of ice sheet melted in recent past
The story of Greenland keeps getting greener—and scarier. A new study provides the first direct evidence that the center—not just the edges—of Greenland's ice sheet melted away in the recent geological past and the now-ice-covered island was then home to a green, tundra landscape.
@dgraf @HK_RaiderOwl Genuinely curious to know your thoughts as to the cyclical nature of the climate that this reinforces as does most of our recorded history temps.
For clarity, this isn’t a troll. I’ve got a hybrid, considering an EV and have solar panels on my house. So as a “conservative” I think I’m pretty open minded in this realm