This should be fun. The vitriol (not naming names) in the Iraq/Trump thread got me wondering.
Are we all so full of disdain that we cannot see ANYTHING positive about the ones we despise? Have slanted news agencies and the 24 hour news cycle filled us so full of talking points and outrage that we cannot POSSIBLY change our views? I know I am 100% guilty of detracting from civil discussion of opposing views.....
I mean, it is to the point where if Obama cured cancer, his detractors would sit back and say "you didn't build that", or if Trump got Kim Jong Un to hold open elections and close his work camps, the TDS crowd say "he only did that because China told him to"
Here's the challenge. The last 4 presidents were evenly split by party.
2 R's and 2 D's
It can also be argued that given social media, 24 news cycles and the general degradation of decorum, that these 4 have been the most polarizing to our society (Yes, I understand Nixon, Johnson etc can be considered but how far back do we really need to go?) I am shooting for modern politics, really.
Bush W
get in this thread and say ONE....just ONE nice thing about each one of them that you opposed and give something negative about the ones you voted for/ prove you arent a robot. If you cant, or if you are only going to say something backwards like "president x didnt kill 50 million people, only 40 million" then GTFO
This may seem like a stupid thread and it probably is. I am sure it will jump the tracks almost immediately...but if it doesnt....well, wouldnt that be something?
Anyhow. Here goes.
1. Trump - I wish he would STFU and just work. I know he doesnt GAF what people think and that is fine to show some grit but Jesus, do not have to respond to every single person that talks smack to you.
2. Obama - Obama was/is a good family man. He kept his girls out of the fray and kept them innocent in their young years. I never saw him use them as a crutch or a prop. Also, the fact that he called W first after killing UBL and then made a baller of a speech to the country right after it happened was a time that made me proud to be an American.
3. Bush W - i wish he would have been more targeted and the missions had been more clear before we drug back to Iraq. Some of me wonders if it was just his fathers legacy he was after. Yes, I know we caught saddam but we didnt catch UBL under GWB. Misson NOT accomplished.....?
4. Clinton - Dude had some killer legislation. Welfare Reform, lowest unemployment, higher wages, reduction in national debt. Sounds pretty conservative......
Anyhow. Thats my start. Thats my olive branch.
What do yall think? OP KYS? TL;DR? OP EABOD? DIAF?
Are we all so full of disdain that we cannot see ANYTHING positive about the ones we despise? Have slanted news agencies and the 24 hour news cycle filled us so full of talking points and outrage that we cannot POSSIBLY change our views? I know I am 100% guilty of detracting from civil discussion of opposing views.....
I mean, it is to the point where if Obama cured cancer, his detractors would sit back and say "you didn't build that", or if Trump got Kim Jong Un to hold open elections and close his work camps, the TDS crowd say "he only did that because China told him to"
Here's the challenge. The last 4 presidents were evenly split by party.
2 R's and 2 D's
It can also be argued that given social media, 24 news cycles and the general degradation of decorum, that these 4 have been the most polarizing to our society (Yes, I understand Nixon, Johnson etc can be considered but how far back do we really need to go?) I am shooting for modern politics, really.
Bush W
get in this thread and say ONE....just ONE nice thing about each one of them that you opposed and give something negative about the ones you voted for/ prove you arent a robot. If you cant, or if you are only going to say something backwards like "president x didnt kill 50 million people, only 40 million" then GTFO
This may seem like a stupid thread and it probably is. I am sure it will jump the tracks almost immediately...but if it doesnt....well, wouldnt that be something?
Anyhow. Here goes.
1. Trump - I wish he would STFU and just work. I know he doesnt GAF what people think and that is fine to show some grit but Jesus, do not have to respond to every single person that talks smack to you.
2. Obama - Obama was/is a good family man. He kept his girls out of the fray and kept them innocent in their young years. I never saw him use them as a crutch or a prop. Also, the fact that he called W first after killing UBL and then made a baller of a speech to the country right after it happened was a time that made me proud to be an American.
3. Bush W - i wish he would have been more targeted and the missions had been more clear before we drug back to Iraq. Some of me wonders if it was just his fathers legacy he was after. Yes, I know we caught saddam but we didnt catch UBL under GWB. Misson NOT accomplished.....?
4. Clinton - Dude had some killer legislation. Welfare Reform, lowest unemployment, higher wages, reduction in national debt. Sounds pretty conservative......
Anyhow. Thats my start. Thats my olive branch.
What do yall think? OP KYS? TL;DR? OP EABOD? DIAF?