I met Ben a little over a year ago, and we connected quickly as he sought to let me know that he happened to use our supplement Atrantil, and he went straight to science talk, which I dig.
That encounter led to more encounters, and just this last weekend, Ben published an interview that he had with my partner and developer of Atrantil, Ken Brown, MD.
The conversation went much deeper (as most BGF podcasts do) than just the superficial gut health aspects.
For you athletes, they touch on how natural polyphenols (specifically proanthocyanidins and anthocyanidins) can improve athletic performance, VO2 max, etc.
Anyhow, I know there are several avid health fans on this site, and this particular podcast has generated a large amount of interest as well as unearthed a lot of Atrantil users that are writing in to tell of success.
That encounter led to more encounters, and just this last weekend, Ben published an interview that he had with my partner and developer of Atrantil, Ken Brown, MD.
The conversation went much deeper (as most BGF podcasts do) than just the superficial gut health aspects.
For you athletes, they touch on how natural polyphenols (specifically proanthocyanidins and anthocyanidins) can improve athletic performance, VO2 max, etc.
Anyhow, I know there are several avid health fans on this site, and this particular podcast has generated a large amount of interest as well as unearthed a lot of Atrantil users that are writing in to tell of success.