I still find it hard to swallow that Hillary will be the nominee. too old, too much baggage and way too corrupt. I know the left will nominate a monkey if the monkey will speak liberalism but in this case I honestly think the Main Stream Media will not continue to ignore the corruption. If she is however, the Republicans I think will be way more inclined to go with youth, a Walker or Rubio.
If this happens what a fun race and so interesting to see what the left does? I am not convinced the black vote will turn out for Hillary in the numbers they did for Obama (and they are worse off after Obama)
what will the Hispanics do? One would have to think they will also be more diverse this go round and especially with Rubio.
Our young? You can't make me swallow our young will support grandma. Not like they did "Hope and Change" and look where that got them?
Still, gang, NY and California are in the win column regardless if Mickey Mouse is running and that leaves really just one state....Florida, which is one county. Dade. If she can pull off Dade County then she has a shot at Ohio. Why? Because that would mean she is turning out the Black vote.
Obama can't stand her but she might be all he has. Will he turn on the afterburners for her if she is the nominee? Or will his Presidency continue to implode?
If this happens what a fun race and so interesting to see what the left does? I am not convinced the black vote will turn out for Hillary in the numbers they did for Obama (and they are worse off after Obama)
what will the Hispanics do? One would have to think they will also be more diverse this go round and especially with Rubio.
Our young? You can't make me swallow our young will support grandma. Not like they did "Hope and Change" and look where that got them?
Still, gang, NY and California are in the win column regardless if Mickey Mouse is running and that leaves really just one state....Florida, which is one county. Dade. If she can pull off Dade County then she has a shot at Ohio. Why? Because that would mean she is turning out the Black vote.
Obama can't stand her but she might be all he has. Will he turn on the afterburners for her if she is the nominee? Or will his Presidency continue to implode?