Got to see prevost and several other RRS diehards (Oh-Pa, pinkie, future, kayak and others)
Beautiful fall night in Lubbock
Great unis
Even saw an old GF
As far as the game..... (all comments come with the "it was Kansas" caveat
Defense played its best in seasons....literally seasons
Freshman defenders are starting to play ball
LBs played their best collective game since Will Smith was here
Pat was way off his game, which is rare. He HAS to learn to play within the system if things aren't clicking....which certainly includes going to the ground instead of taking on defenders because you're pissed.
OLine got better when Madison sat for some reason.....oh yeah, some the the Oline downfield BS was just that
Batson is still the best PR guy in a long while.
Was awesome to see that our backup learned from his first game jitters. He's got something for sure.
The crowd leaving at halftime in a close game was the most disappointing thing of the night. And it wasn't just the students. West side was just as bad. I don't care who we are playing or whatever BS excuse you have. Don't come to the game unless you plan to stay. Total bush league.
Our group got to talk with Coach Beard.....giddy.
Outside of the obvious injury news, we took a pretty solid step forward