Come on people. We've had 3 dogs come in high as a kite already and it's not even 10:00 am yet. Not gonna lie, it's been quite cute and amusing. It's very difficult for a dog to die from weed ingestion, only seen it once out of hundreds of cases. But still, keep them away from it, they love it.
And if you bring your dog in looking like Jim Breuer on Half Baked, just tell us. We don't call the police. It will save time trying to get it out of you while you are telling us you think the dog got some kind of head injury falling off the back of the couch.
And if you bring your dog in looking like Jim Breuer on Half Baked, just tell us. We don't call the police. It will save time trying to get it out of you while you are telling us you think the dog got some kind of head injury falling off the back of the couch.