Red Raider Confidential (October 19th)

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C. Level

The People's Champ
Nov 7, 2002

Friday can only mean one thing for the discriminating Red Raider fan: time for another edition of the Red Raider Confidential. As always, we begin this session with the ground rules. Everything that is reported in the Red Raider Confidential must stay well… confidential. That's the way this deal works. The Red Raider Confidential is posted in the premium forum to ensure that this information stays exclusively within the Raider Nation.

This will continue to be successful only if everyone helps out, so let’s all work together and keep the discussions limited to this board.

A package deal?

While the majority of the attention went to defensive tackle Lavunce Askew last weekend, the official visit of his teammate Brian Christopher deserves nearly as much chatter. While Askew is the better of the two prospects right now some think Christopher might end up being the better of the two in three years.

What you need to know about Christopher is that he’s raw right now but full of potential. Which is why the Red Raiders did indeed offer him a scholarship last weekend but it’s an offer to enroll late and grayshirt (like Lyle Leong, Adam James, Omar Castillo, etc. have done in recent years).

So, who is happier about the offer Christopher or his mom?

“She liked it, that’s what she wanted. She’s trying to move to Texas after I graduate so she liked it.,” Christopher said. “She’s not against it (grayshirt) at all. She was kind of leaning towards the state of Texas so she got really exited when I told her that I got an offer from Texas Tech, She really wants me to commit to somebody so that she can stop worrying about it. She’s tired of me slow poking around. But I told her that I will soon. I’m not in a hurry but I guess she is.”

Some have also concluded that Askew and Christopher are a package deal and while that isn’t necessarily true there is in fact some truth to it.

“We’re pretty close, we’re real close. We said that two years ago that if we had the opportunity to go to the same school then we probably would to keep our competitive thing going. He and I compete with each other because we feel we’re two of the top in the state and we compete with each other. If he comes with me, then I know that I”ll bring my “A” game with me every week and he’ll bring his. That’s the way it is as a person, in the classroom, and on the football field.”

Have the two discussed attending Tech together since the visit occurred?

“Yeah, I did and yeah we did on the flight home, we talked about committing to Texas Tech and going there, ah yeah, ah yeah.”

We’ll see what happens in the coming weeks but if Askew comes back in November with his dad like we think he might then we’d expect the Red Raiders to add Askew and Brian Christopher to their commitment list.

Gray Impressed With All Aspects of Visit

Top junior lineman Joel Gray took in last weekend’s game with A&M and came away impressed not only with the game, but with the school as a whole.

“I got a tour of the academic facilities and was really impressed,” he said. “I showed up and some guy was like, ‘Hey, you’re Joel Gray aren’t you? Let me give you a tour.’ I was very impressed with everything I saw. He was saying how important academics are at Tech, which I was really impressed by, because that is the main reason you go to college after all.”

After that, Gray said Tech just kept making good impressions.

“Coach Littrell showed me the weight room, the practice fields, the facilities, the training room, the locker room, the coaches’ offices, and all that,” he said. “Then he took me into the offensive coordinator’s office and Coach Leach and everyone was in there and we had about a 10-minute conversation with just me, my parents, and the coaches. I was floored by that, because no one has ever done that for me before on an unofficial visit. Then, before the game I got to talk to Coach Leach one-on-one too, which was great. Then after the game I got to go into the locker room, which was a great experience.”

While Gray was impressed by what he saw, he’s in no hurry to make a decision.

“To be honest with you I have no idea when I want to make a decision,” said Gray. “I want to win another state title, so that’s my focus right now. In the spring I’ll visit all the schools I want to look at and try to find a good home for me. I’m mainly considering Tech, Texas, A&M, OU, Arkansas, and Alabama. I like the schools around me, you know? I kind of want to stay pretty close to my family and close to home, so that’s attractive to me that Tech’s just five hours away or just one hour on a plane.”

Still, from Tech’s standpoint, the visit has to be considered a vibrant success.

“It definitely boosted Tech’s stock in my book,” he said. “I mean, obviously they want me there because they offered me, and they my only offer, so I really appreciate that. What that means to me is that they see something in me and now that I’ve seen something in them, I’m really liking them.”

We’ll keep you posted over the next year or so on Gray’s recruitment, but at this point, there aren’t very many in the state on his level, so his interest in Tech is very good thing.

Tech still in the lead for ’09 LB?

Tech has thrown its hat in the ring with Abilene linebacker Chris Williams, who is one of the best linebackers in the state for the 2009 class. However, Williams, who has held an offer for over a month, had expressed concern over Tech’s scheme at one point.

Is it still an issue? Not really, according to the star defender.

“I think it would be cool to play there and help turn that D around,” he said. “I like the way Ruffin McNeil is doing things there, he’s got them playing real pumped up.”

Perhaps one advantage Tech has with the potential four-star recruit is the fact that several of Tech’s players hail from his hometown.

“Yeah, I have been playing with Kobey (Lewis) and Lyle (Leong) since we were on like the elementary school Cowboys team,” he laughed. “I just grew up with them two and Potts in the AHS system, so I know them really well. They’re great guys and they deserve all the success they’re having right now. Plus, what better place for a receiver, a running back, and a QB than Texas Tech?”

Williams does admit that between the attention he’s receiving from Tech and his former teammates, he’s feeling the love.

“No one has really caught my eye so far besides Tech,” he said. “I guess that’s mainly because they’ve been on me for so long. Plus, Lyle and all them are always talking to me and trying to get me to commit. They don’t push me too hard though, they know what I’m going through because they had to do it too. So we’ll see what I’m thinking in the spring and on into the summer.”

Askew Feels Needed

When Tech fans found out last weekend that star defensive tackle LaVunce Askew was on an undercover official visit last weekend, they were filled with excitement. After all, defensive tackle is now the top priority in this class and Askew is one of the best in the region.

We told you earlier this week what he thought of the visit, but Askew also gave us some insight into what the coaches said to him last weekend.

“Well, like I said, I loved the game- the defense just played fast and with a lot of teamwork and just outworked ‘em,” he said. “And then afterward, Coach Ruff was talking to me about how other schools wanted me, but he needs me. And then they were pretty much all saying that. All of ‘em- Ruff, Dennis, Coach Leach, Coach Riley, basically every coach talked to me.”

Well, basically all the coaches except the ones from Arkansas.

“They didn’t say anything about it,” he said. “I guess they knew I needed to do this.”

Still, the 6-foot-2, 280-pound defender says his visit is not indicative of displeasure towards Arkansas.

“I basically took this visit because I had already set it up a long time ago- I told Arkansas when I committed that I wanted to visit Tech and they didn’t have a problem with that,” said Askew, who is only considering Tech and Arkansas. “I mean, all teams have bad years, so I’m not worried about Arkansas, I’ve got a good relationship with those coaches and I’ll visit there after the season.”

So before Tech fans get too high or low on Askew, he’s got some parting words.

“I don’t know baby, it’s a long way to February, so we’ll have to wait and see.”

Walters to Follow Doege, Haliburton?

Though 2009 offensive lineman Mason Walters has seen several Tech games in person, he’s only seen one big matchup- last weekend’s victory over A&M.

“Knowing that’s what the atmosphere is like for a big game like that is huge,” said Walters. “Being there in that atmosphere and seeing the hate that was going around and know that Tech was that fired up to play, that’s a good thing to know when you’re thinking about where to go to school.”

And Walters will surely need to gather all the information he can to make a decision, as he will likely have a plethora of choices. And his window of opportunity just got a little smaller.

“I’m doing all the stuff I need to to graduate early,” explained the lineman, who already holds offers from Tech, A&M, and Baylor. “So I can enroll at my school by January. So I figure I’ll probably know where I want to go by the end of next summer. I’m going to take some camp visits and see some places and then I’ll probably know. I’m only taking one more unofficial this year- we have a Thursday night game the week of the UT-Tech game, so I’m going to go down there for that. Then next year I’ll just take officials to the schools I’m really interested in.”

When asked if his teammates were having any success in persuading him to don the Red and Black, Walters laughed.

“Have you met Seth Doege?” came the rhetorical question. “Ok, then you know that’s the kind of guy you want to follow anywhere. He’s like a fungus- at first, you’re like, ‘ok, not sure what’s going on here,’ but then after a while, he’s just grown on you and you’re wondering what you did before he got here. So, yes they’ve got me thinking about it, but I’ve also got to keep an open mind and make sure I check out all my options.”

Still, don’t think they’re not having a direct impact.

“Well, being close to home isn’t my number one thing, but it might be kind of cool to have the whole home town hero thing going on like Seth and Hali do right now,” he laughed. “When all your friends and everyone around you tell you every single day how great Tech is and how many linemen they place in the NFL and this and that and the other, and no one says anything about any other school, ever, you kind of start to listen.”

High Praise for Haliburton

How’s this for a compliment?

“You want to know what a humbling experience is?” asked Mason Walters, one of the top offensive linemen in the state. “Try blocking Hali (Tech commit Ryan Haliburton) in practice. That man is a beast.”

Wright Will Visit

One has to wonder if God himself did not specifically intend for Jarius Wright to play in Mike Leach’s offense. The Arkansas commit is blessed with the ideal size, speed, and quickness to wreak havoc in the Air Raid. He’s almost too perfect, if there is such a thing. So, like I said, one has to wonder.

Well, one thing is for sure, Wright is flat out deadly with the ball in his hands. The speedster has turned in over 700 yards and 12 touchdowns on only 25 receptions this season. He is Warren High School’s Mike Crabtree!

And don’t think the comparison is lost on Wright.

“I’ve watched a few of Tech’s games,” he said. “And Crabtree’s success really influences me. I mean, I think I could go there and be that kind of player. Plus he’s doing it as a freshman, which means I know they play the best, so I know I’d have a fair shot. So I’m keeping track of that.”

Though he is committed to Arkansas, the four-star receiver will still take a few visits.

“I mean, I am committed, but I still plan on taking my visits,” he said. “I had to cancel one last weekend with Tech, but I re-scheduled that for Novemeber 17th, which I think is the Oklahoma game. I’m also going to visit Oklahoma and Florida..”

And according to Wright, he’s not the only Arkansas commit looking around.

“My teammate, Greg Childs, is probably going to visit Tech too,” he said. “I don’t know when though.”

When asked if their interest in Tech has anything to do with the contrasting style of offenses they and Arkansas run, his answer was hesitant.

“Yes sir, that has a little bit to do with it,” he stated. “But you know, Arkansas has told me they’ll throw the ball more they just need a receiver, so I think I could make a big impact there too.”

While there is still a long while to go in this recruitment, it’s safe to say that if Wright keeps an eye on Crabtree, and Crabtree keeps setting the world on fire, Wright will have no choice but to take notice.

Q&A: Mike DeArmond, KC Star

Missouri was 6-0 this time last year, is this 5-1 team just as good or better?
I tend a couple of steps ahead of last year at this point. Last year at this point you didn’t have a game where you thought ‘wow, they played above themselves’. Everything was easy last year I don’t think the team was prepared. I know many people thought that they might have one of the team’s best defenses ever but then when they got to the hard part of the schedule, it might have been one of the worst.

What makes them better this season?
This defense and the linebackers are better this year. In the secondary, they did a good job of containing the run. Oklahoma did a good job of running until the 4th quarter. OU is a good running team and last I heard, Texas Tech is not. Missouri is a couple of steps ahead of last year. Their confidence is based in reality and in not likes of fancy.

After Tech showed off a running game last week, is there any talk in Columbia of the Red Raiders trying to run on Mizzou?
Not really. I don’t think anybody at Missouri expects Texas Tech to turn into the old Nebraska offense. They know what Harrell does best and it isn’t running. I think you can beat Texas A&M by running at them. I don’t think you can beat Missouri by running at them.

What’s the most important aspect of this defense?
I think the secondary in one sense. Not really the linebackers, but they have a true freshman Carl Gettis who is going to be on a very small island with the Tech receivers. Darnell Terrell on the end as well. They have picked off a lot of passes, but they’ve knocked down some. Almost every game, Missouri has said that they’re going to hold it in front of them and they have wide open people 30 or 40 yards down field and Tech’s fully capable of that.

Will the Tigers try to put pressure on Graham Harrell?
They did last year. Harrell had to go out for a couple of series because Missouri scrambled him a little. Now he’s a year older and he’s a very good quarterback but Missouri I think will try to get some blitz on him but they won’t be coming every down and try to mix it up. I think they can hold Tech down, but they can’t stop him.

Are they much talks about the phenom freshman Michael Crabtree?
Everything has been complimentary, but they’re not shaking in their boots about Crabtree. They would like Tech to throw to Crabtree 15 times. But Missouri’s spread offense throws to 7 or 8 guys a game so they don’t think Crabtree’s going to beat them by themselves.

What is Chad Daniel’s mentality at this point?
They always say that he’s not cocky, but he spells confidence ‘cocky’. He looked a little shakey against OU in the first half, as it is easy to see where all these guys coming from. But in the second half he quit hanging onto the ball so long and he thinks that they should have beat Oklahoma.

What does he need to do to win this game?
Same thing it’s been doing. Throw to those 6-6 tight ends and when Tech comes in to stop them, then Jeremy Maclin and Will Franklin and Alexander can beat them deep. I think the middle of the field for both teams is going to be ground zero. I think the middle of the field is going to be ground zero and that’s … I think they’ll both follow the same gameplan. They’ll throw slants and toss it into the middle.

Is Mizzou’s offense similar to Tech’s?
They are, but I think Missouri has more gadgets and more plays. They’ve lined up five guys at quarterback already and only one of them is a quarterback. They’ll put Daniel outside and they’ll run. Tech looks like a team I’ve seen at Tech before. Missouri, there’s no telling what they’re going to do. They’re a spread offense but they spread the spread. They’re a little more gadgetty.

How is Mizzou looking on special teams?
Maclin has made special teams incredible. He’s a threat every time he touches the ball. He took one kickoff back 56 yards against Oklahoma and was almost there. Maclin on the ruretnr game, Missouri is getting better at kick coverage. One thing they’ve taken their field goal kicker and let him do FG and PAT and took their punter and gave him the kickoff job. Primarily because Jeff Wolfert came up with a sore leg after Oklahoma. Statistically, Missouri’s punting is last in the league. But that kid generally punts from the 45.

What are the keys to the game
Turnovers will decide this game because the offenses are fairly evenly matched. Whoever gets sacks, takeaways, interceptions, will when this game. This could be a blowout on either side or a two point game on either side. One thing that Daniel did say is that he would definitely take the over if he were a betting man.

Weekly rundown with Ruff

It’s time for another conversation with Interim Defensive Coordinator Ruffin McNeill.

What did you think about the defensive performance against A&M?
I thought we started off trying to really do too much early on the first drive. They had not showed us anything we had not practiced or worked on. So I was disappointed on the initial drive. But once they settled down I was happy with how they finished. It showed mental toughness and overcoming some adversity. Especially on the first drive, big game, that kind of thing. I was happy to see htem fight back and finish the ballgame.

Three weeks ago you were hired as interim, have things progressed where you had envisioned them to be?
I’ve mentioned before ? Charlie Sadler, Brian Mitchell, Carlos Mainord, and Chris Hudler are the most valuable assistants that anybody could have. Those guys are professionals and we’ve all worked together in committee-type style to get to where we are right now. We still have a lot of work to do. The game against A&M was not perfect and there’s some things we could work on. We’re going to work on those things. I’m pleased with the progress but we still have a lot of room to grow. We just need to keep progressing and keep getting better as a group and individuals.

What do you remember about the last time Tech went to Columbia, Missouri?
It was a tough game, probably that’s an understatement. They moved the ball on us and did some things. We were not ready as a group. It was a tough situation and a tough place to play. We have to make sure we worry about what we’re doing now and as a team. Not just defense, but offense, special teams, and defense to make sure we go up there and get better as a team and worry about what we can do and make routine plays and finish routine plays, those kinds of things. It was a tough deal up there last time.

And then there’s last year’s homecoming loss to the Tigers as wel.l
Chase Daniel is a very good quarterback. They have a very good system in which they move the ball around, spread it around, and he also runs it as well. They have two good running backs and two NFL-type tight ends and athletic receivers. He has a lot of weapons there and he had those last year. So I thought we played pretty good at times last year against them and we usually come out on the winning end of that, but you have to give credit to Missouri. They did a good job of moving the ball and won the football game.

Defense looks more excited every week, how do you feel about that?
That’s one of our team goals are that we want to be one of the most exciting teams and to make plays. The kid’s chose that goal. We just reiterated with them that we need to be excited to make plays. The coaches are excited but the players are excited, and that’s the biggest thing. It’s still a football game. You want the kid’s to have fun and to have an enjoyable college experience. I was very fortunate to have an enjoyable college experience. I enjoyed my teammates, the team, and the winning atmosphere. We want those kids to do the same thing. I’m glad to see it and them showing excitement and being happy to play. It makes it go by fast, too. Seems like the season is flying by but I’m glad to see them having fun and being excited.

Conversation with Head Coach Mike Leach

Thoughts on Missouri’s two big tight ends.
Well, I think that they are real good players. They deal those guys in to get you off balance.

Game planning with how Missouri uses its tight ends.
I think that there is an adjustment as far as the tight ends have the capability to block. Do you put in a guy
who’s powerful like he is, or do you put in a guy that’s lighter and can cover him. You just have to make a
decision on how you’re going to play them, and it pretty much based on what the other guys likes to do with

On Missouri’s speed up front defensively
I think they move around pretty good. You know, I think they move around good and I think they play with a
pretty good level of enthusiasm. They’re good at making breaks for themselves. I think their pretty well
overall team as far as playing with each other.

If Missouri’s defense has improved from what he’s seen
It’s hard to say. I’m still watching all the films trying to assemble it all together. I’m sure they are improving.
They have good coaches and a good staff. As teams have a level of success, they tend to bond together
some so I’m sure they are improving.

Evaluating Graham Harrell’s level of play this year
Very good. I think he has really played well. Like I mentioned one other time, he has incrementally polished
all of his skills which were really good to begin with and really good last year. I think he is a guy that really
learned quickly last year and developed into a really good quarterback last year. Incrementally, he has
developed as a quarterback in his skills as far as being a leader and utilizing the team. He is the point guy
for the entire team, and I think his play has elevated the play of the other guys too.

What the defense needs to do coming into the Missouri game.
Just keep doing what they are doing. I think a lot of times as you do things, the temptation is to get ahead of
yourself. Just continue to focus on fundamentals, develop your skills and play together. The most important
thing we can do is to see how good we can become as a team this week by developing and preparing until
the game.

On going back in time after making a change in the middle of a season
Well there is no question about that. It doesn’t do me any good now. There is a level of that, but you just
have to worry about the task at hand and the next practice.

If the defense’s effort lately has carried over into the offense
What I see is, from the team as a whole, it is really exciting to watch our defense play. I think there is a level
of enthusiasm and just admiring how they are playing, it creates a lot of energy with everybody.

On the offense system and the amount of change it sees
I would say it is kind of fluid. The change evolves more around the capabilities of the players and what the
different players do best. This guy might like throwing a corner route better than an option route, so you may
feature different things. Generally drills and technique are what gets the most attention. Then there is an
occasional new player, but generally if we do have a new play, it replaces something. I think controlling the
package is more important. The hardest thing is there are so many good plays out there. Controlling it and
keeping a workable number of plays rather than letting it get out of hand were you can’t really execute it.

If he felt like Texas A&M’s defense gave up at the end.
I didn’t feel like they gave up. They utilized the clock and I thought they pretty much battled the whole game.

If he felt like he won the rushing offense last week.
I don’t think we did. It would be hard to against that team. They rushed pretty good. We got both of our
backs involved, too. I liked that they both had key plays. I thought Kobey (Lewis) had a couple big plays,
which is exciting. I thought Shannon (Woods) ran decisively, which is exciting too. I thought both did well.

The mindset of the offensive line taking things personally
That’s just the nature of linemen. I think Coach (Matt) Moore has done a great job of developing the group.
The age of our offensive wasn’t really a concern. Getting those guys to blend together and getting them to
be a tight unit like offensive lines needs to be, is what we were trying to achieve in a short period of time. I
think we improved on that and I think we got better at rushing the football this last game. We are still working
together as a group, but they are pretty tight with Graham and understand their role in the offensive. Part of
their goal is to keep the guy off him, and I think over the course of the year we’ve done a pretty good job of

Where this group ranks chemistry wise with others he’s coached
It’s hard to gauge. It’s up there, and it continues to improve and to grow. I think that this group has really
bought in to the fact that everybody is pulling for one another.

Conversation with QB Graham Harrell

On Saturday’s match-up with Missouri:
“Every game is big, especially when you start conference. Like you said, last year they came in here and got
the best of us at our place, so we’re going to be excited to play. We know they’re a great team, we know that
from last year because they played great and got the win, so we’re going to have to go up there and play
well to win.”

On how difficult it will be facing a Missouri team coming off a loss last week at Oklahoma:
“I think when someone comes off a big loss they’re a tough team to play always, like when we played
Oklahoma State. They were excited to play because they had just come off of a tough loss and it’s going to
be the same way I’m sure. They just came off of a tough loss, they’re going to be playing at home, they’re
going to be hungry, ready to play, and we’re going to have to go in there and match their hunger, match their
enthusiasm and play well if we want to win.”

On how the team deals with distractions and increased media attention:
“I think that’s one thing Coach Leach is really good about is keeping us focused and not letting us worry too
much about distractions. He says, ‘Don’t listen to anyone, what they’re saying good about you, what they’re
saying bad about you, just stay focused and stay hungry for next week.’ I think we’ve done a great job of that
so far and we’re going to have to continue to do that if we want to keep getting better.”

On how the performance of the defense has carried over to the offense:
“It helps a ton, there’s not question about it. They’re playing unbelievable football right now and if they keep
that up, we’re going to be a great team. The last two weeks, they’ve just shut people down and when you
have a defense shutting people down, it’s a lot easier to win. If you can hold someone to seven points,
you’re going to win most of the time. I think when the defense gets a big stop it kind of excites people more
than big plays or anything like that. They just have to keep doing what they’re doing because we’re kind of
feeding off of each other’s excitement right now.”

On his impression of Missouri quarterback Chase Daniel:
“We’ve played him one time and that’s the only time I’ve got to see him. In preparation, offenses don’t watch
offenses, they watch defenses, so I don’t ever see him. There’s no doubt he’s a great player, he’s a great
leader, and he’s putting up great numbers right now. He’s a good player and that’s something our defense is
going to have to prepare for, and their whole offense is tough.”

On the number of running plays the offense ran against Texas A&M:
“We knew coming into the game that they were going to play soft. Coach [Leach] said that if we felt like they
were playing soft, then we could check into a run. That’s the thing about this offense, it’s kind of the
quarterback’s responsibility to get into runs when it’s a good situation, because calling a run from the
sideline is tough because you don’t what look they’re going to give you. Coach told me all week that we
were going to get lots of fronts that we could run into and we could try to get the running game going. I
thought the offensive line blocked well, Shannon [Woods] blocked really well, and we ran the ball well. The
better our running game gets the better our offense gets; you can’t try to stop the pass and not the run, or
stop the run and not the pass, you’ve got to prepare for both of them.”

On whether he thought he’d have to come out after the late hit he took last Saturday:
“I didn’t think about coming out. You’ve got to get up pretty quick because if you lay there too long and the
trainers come out, then you have to come out. It was a late hit I thought, but that’s the way the game is,
you’re going to take some licks, that’s part of playing football. It kind of excited me more than anything.”

On how him taking the late hit got the offense going:
“It kind of excited everyone, and we had just come off of a big play from [Michael] Crabtree, so the offense
was excited. Then they hit us late and that gets everyone going and makes everyone want to drive them and
I thought we did a great job of that. It was a big score before half so I think that was a big point in the game.”

On whether he thinks wide receiver Michael Crabtree is mad after being held out of the endzone for the first time this season last Saturday:
“Probably; that kid loves playing the game and he loves to score touchdowns. Once we got down there
towards the redzone and the goal line, they started bracketing, trying to take him away, and trying to not let
him score. I think even in the open field they were trying to some, but it’s not as easy to bracket someone
out in the open field because there are so many more places he can go. Down in the goal line, there’s not a
ton of room they started bracketing him, but other guys stepped up and made big plays. That’s one thing, if
you’re going to try to take one guy away down there, then we have other guys that make plays and beat

Conversation with C Shawn Byrnes

On this Saturday’s match-up with Missouri:
“It’s going to be a big game, we just came off of a big win so we’re going to have to stay focused all week,
forget about A&M now because that’s over. Our focus is Missouri, we start preparation tomorrow, and we’ll
go from there.”

On what he knows about the Missouri defense:
“I don’t know much yet; I’ll get a scouting report tomorrow from our coach. The only thing I’ve ever heard is
that they’re the 100th ranked pass defense, but we’re not going to take that into consideration, we’re still
going to prepare the same as we usually do, and we’ll see what happens.”

On if he was aware of the late hit on Harrell in Saturday’s game:
“The play that he got hit on, was actually a little shuttle pass, so I was upfield and I didn’t even know he got
hit. I was coming back and he was on the ground so I didn’t know what happened until yesterday.”

On the offensive linemen get upset seeing Harrell on the ground:
“Of course we do. Our coach says protect him at all costs and we take pride in that. I was talking to Rylan
[Reed] earlier today and he’s still upset that we gave up that one sack we gave up because it was his guy.
He’s still mad about it two days later, because we take a lot of pride in protecting [Harrell], Shannon
[Woods], and Kobey [Lewis], because it’s our job.”

On he thought the offensive line did blocking in the running game Saturday:
“I think we did real well; I didn’t expect to do that as much, it was a surprise to us, but it worked out great and
a lot of us love to run block. I think we did well as a unit, but we can always do better.”

On the difference between run blocking and pass blocking:
“Run blocking is just getting down and dirty and coming off the ball. Pass blocking is a little more finesse,
you’ve got to read blitzes and stuff so there’s a different mindset to it.”

Conversation with CB Chris Parker

On Missouri quarterback Chase Daniel:
“He’s a good leader and he’s got control of their offense. He’s going to try to get out of the pocket if he gets
in trouble, so we’re going to have to try to contain him. I think he’s going to be one of the better quarterbacks
that we’re going to face as far as a passer that can be a runner too. We just need to practice this week and
be ready to try to contain him.”

On the difference between covering a tight end and a wide receiver:
“It’s not too hard. You’re going against a little bit bigger of a guy but as far as the routes, it’s not very hard.
You would think that a receiver has better routes than a tight end so it’s about keeping your eyes in the right

On the Missouri offense in the game last year:
“They were fired up to play us and they kept it up the whole game, they didn’t slow down one bit. We’re
going to have to be on top of our game when we go there, because he [Daniel] will try to get out of the
pocket to run if he sees an opening.”

On how they will match-up with Missouri’s talented tight end tandem:
“It’s something we haven’t seen the whole year, to have two tight ends of their caliber. They’re good at what
they do; they get open, and those are the guys that he’s [Daniel] going to try to hit. We just have to know
that this week in practice and make sure that everyone on the defense has their eyes in the right place.”

On what the defense’s expectations are heading into Saturday:
“Going into this game, we’re focusing on not giving up anything. As a defense, you don’t want to say, ‘Well,
we’re going to give up points,’ What we’re focusing on is going out there, doing our job and worrying about
what we do as a defense. After it’s all said and done, we’ll see where that leaves us.”

On cornerback Jamar Wall’s performance in his first year as a starter:
“He’s doing great; there were some things he had to overcome and get better at, but he’s a young corner
and he’s going to be great when it’s all said and done. I try to give him advice and stuff and make sure he
keeps his head up and not think too much about what people say and keep playing.”

Conversation with LB Brian Duncan

On if he thought the Texas A&M offense gave up at all in the second half Saturday:
“They gave up a little bit. There’s a saying Coach Ruff says that we believe to the fullest. It goes, ‘It’s
physically impossible for 11 Red Raiders to do what they do on a team and them not give up.’ I think they
gave up because of the effort that we as a defense put on them.”

On what it was like to have the type of performance the defense did last Saturday:
“It’s really satisfying because it further proves that this defense is going to continue to improve. We’re having
a great time out there and we’re improving together as a team and if we continue to do that, it’s going to get
better and better.”

On how the defense’s play has carried over to the offense:
“It’s exciting and it makes the offense so excited. Three-and-out always gets the offense hyped for them to
be on the field more than the defense. It does carry over as far as our effort.”

On his first impression of Chase Daniel:
“We actually started watching film today on him from last year when they came down here. I saw how mobile
and how aggressive he was and much control he does have over the offense. He’s a very smart guy and I’m
continuing to learn about him.”

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This post was edited on 10/19 10:59 AM by C. Level
This post was edited on 10/19 11:01 AM by C. Level
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