Red Raider Confidential (July 15th)

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C. Level

The People's Champ
Nov 7, 2002
Friday can only mean one thing for the discriminating Red Raider fan: time for another edition of the Red Raider Confidential. As always, we begin this session with the ground rules. Everything that is reported in the Red Raider Confidential must stay well… confidential. That's the way this deal works. The Red Raider Confidential is posted in the premium forum to ensure that this information stays exclusively within the Raider Nation.

This will continue to be successful only if everyone helps out, so let’s all work together and keep the discussions limited to this board.

Next commitment

First we wanted to start out with some commitment news. While we can't tell you who it will be we have talked to one prospect this week that informed us that he would be giving Texas Tech a commitment in the next three to four weeks. His wishes were to keep it quiet and so we will do just that.

This prospect’s mind is made up and when the time is right we will get it

We just happened to call him this week looking to do an update when two
minutes into the conversation he said, "To be honest I plan on committing to
Texas Tech ..." which obviously changed the course of the interview.

We decided on a game plan based on his wishes and he allowed us to write a
blurb about it without naming him which we're doing with this.

One hint: It is NOT defensive tackle Lavunce Askew who will choose between Arkansas, Tennessee and Texas Tech at about the same time.

Stay tuned.

How committed is Jeffers?

We were able to catch up with Tech commit running back Harrison Jeffers for the first time in the past two months. It was a conversation that was full of questions from our side, as many have been intrigued to know if his summer has included any visits to other schools.

Over the last couple of months, the majority of Jeffers’ time has been taken up by the AAU track season.

“I went to the Great Southwestern track meet at the beginning of the summer and during the 100, I pulled up on my hamstring because it strained a little bit,” explained Jeffers. “From that day on it started hurting and sometimes I could barely run.”

Despite the injury in the first meet of the AAU season, the Oklahoma running back toughed through the pain and went to another track meet before attending the Oklahoma State camp.

“At the OSU camp, I strained it again and my knee popped.”

Competing in just one event the final two meets of the season and taking it easy, instead of his normal three events, Jeffers did not make it to Nationals because he felt he needed to take a much needed break.

So, how is the injury now?

“I’m 100% right now, they just have me on rehabilitation and all that stuff. We had pad camp this week and this week they let me go for a day and I was fine. They just want me to keep going to rehabilitation to keep getting electroshock on it.”

As far as the visit to Oklahoma State, Jeffers says that the Cowboys are actually the most aggressive in the recruiting process right now. So is OSU a possible contender for Jeffers?

“Heck no,” Jeffers wasn’t done there. “Out of all of the coaches, there’s only two that I like.”

Jeffers bad blood with OSU actually began quite some time ago.

“I went to a camp last year and ran the 40 and all that. I think I had the best time of the running backs. This year, I go to one of their games and they got my name messed up. They called me ‘Harrison Jefferson’. They had seen my video by then too and still had not offered me. Then they came down to watch me practice later in the year and I did the same thing as I did in the game and then they wanted to offer me then. That made me mad.”

The only reason Jeffers went to the Oklahoma State camp this summer was to get his 40 officially timed, but of course he was not able to run it because of his injury.

With Oklahoma State out of the mix, what if the Sooners come calling?

“No. I have to get out of Oklahoma.”

That being said, Jeffers says that he is 98% committed to the Red Raiders. Very intrigued, we asked why he left a 2% gap.

“It’s because my family still wants me to look. The only other schools that I’m paying attention to are Kansas School and Virginia Tech. The last time I talked to KSU was a week before the camp. I haven’t talked to Virginia Tech. My coach hasn’t sent all my tapes out to them yet.”

Jeffers was supposed to attend a KSU camp back in June but was not able to because of track conflicts.

It’s been documented previously that Jeffers brother lives in Manhattan, Kansas and he says that’s the main attraction.

“Yeah, basically to stay closer to my family because that’s probably where my mom and dad are moving to when I get out of the house.”

Even though his parents are telling him to keep the door slightly open it does not mean that they do not agree with his decision to attend Tech.

“They support me going to Texas Tech. They’ve started buying Texas Tech hats and all that stuff. They still tell me to still look just in case something happens but they like Tech and all that.”

This brought up the question of why Tech sticks out in Jeffers’ mind over the Wild Cats.

“It’s because of the way we have our offense right now and Tech’s is the same way how they like to get people out of the backfield. K-State probably wouldn’t get me out of the backfield that much so I would probably get beat up and all that stuff.

“I’ll probably go on an official to K-State with Cornelius Douglas because I already said I would go with him before I committed.”

Douglas is a teammate of Jeffers and a three-star prospect who is being pursued by KSU.

“My other officials I will probably take too, just for the fun of it. I might take some out to the coast just for the fun of it.”

In case Red Raider fans seem concerned at all about Jeffers’ subtle wandering eyes maybe they should think about the fact that Tech running back coach Seth Littrell sure doesn’t seem to be.

We asked Jeffers how often Littrell brings up his commitment.

“He never asks really. He just asks how I’m doing and how my family is doing. He just wants to get me on the personal level really. We don’t talk about football or anything. We talk about the other stuff.”

That shows that the Tech coaching staff is chalking Jeffers up as a prospect who will be signing on the dotted line for the Red Raiders next February.

This is not the first time Tech has had a top notched running back commit early and then possibly go on visits throughout the recruiting process. In 2002, Texas Top 100 and current Tech back Baron Batch visited Duke, Northwestern, and New Mexico State after giving the Red Raiders his word early in the summer.

Doege: ‘I’m free’

Before the 7-on-7 Tournament we asked quarterback Seth Doege what he thought about not being mentioned or personally or as a team in a preview story of the tournament.

“From the quarterback standpoint, I could care less,” said Doege. “As far as the publicity for [my teammates], it’s not going to get them anywhere if they’re not mentioned. I think that’s kind of crap. I think we worked hard and that’s one of the things is that we wanted to get recognized. We went to the semi-finals and people still don’t know what Frenship football is all about so we want to compete and work hard and win some games. We want some people to say ‘Wow, they can play football.’ Compete and win games. And that’s what I think about that.”

How does Doege’s knee feel now-a-days?

“It’s healthy, I got completely released the other day. It feels strong.

With the big news of being completely released from the doctor, what does that do for the Frenship quarterback?

“I guess I’m not hesitant anymore. I got that release so now I can do my thing and don’t have to worry about if I can do this or that. But even when I wasn’t released I still dove after defenders if I mad a pick. There’s not any real difference, it’s just that I’m free.”

Brown seems unsure

For those hoping to land defensive prospect Eddie Brown, things might not be as rosy as they appear to be on the surface, for two reasons.

The first is related to the position he wants to play in college. He recently revealed a preference to play linebacker or fullback at the next level, both of which might be unrealistic for someone carrying 270-pounds on a six-foot frame. However, he also told us that Tech has different plans in store for him, should he choose the Red Raiders.

“Texas Tech is actually recruiting me to play D-Tackle,” he said. “So I don’t know about that. Like I said, I don’t want to add all that weight.”

The second has to do with collegiate allegiances and will not be popular around Red Raider country.

“I have to say that if Texas A&M offered, I’d probably commit,” he said. “I’m an Aggie, you know? I mean, it’d probably be pretty hard not to commit to them. I mean, I don’t really know, but I’ve kind of always liked them.”

However, he did have some kind words for the Red Raiders, which came completely out of left field.

“The thing I like about Texas Tech,” he offered, “is that they do things right. They go to a bowl every year, so you know you’re going to win a lot of games and go to a bowl every year, which is big.”

To say Brown has been slightly confused about his decision is an understatement, as is underscored by his final statement during our interview.

“If I had to choose one today, I don’t know what I’d do,” he said. “I guess maybe Oklahoma State. But I don’t know.”

He then paused, laughed, and changed his mind yet again.

“I don’t know,” he laughed. “Not Oklahoma State. No, never mind, I don’t know. I guess either Oklahoma State or, uh, I don’t know. Oh, I know, SMU’s looking pretty good too. I don’t know though man. That’s all I know, is that I don’t know.”

Walters in no hurry

Frenship’s Mason Walters, one of the top offensive lineman in the state of Texas for 2009, hasn’t made the mini-camp tour with his teammates recently due to a sprained ankle but he did make one other camp.

“The only other camp I went to other than Tech’s was to Texas,” Walters said. “I twisted my ankle so I didn’t make the others, I was supposed to go I just couldn’t hardly move my ankle, it’s fine now though.”

Walters holds an offer from the Red Raiders already but as he’s stated previously he’s in no hurry to make a decision.

“To be honest I just want the offers to roll in before I have to decide about my college education. If I’m the caliber of player to where I can be at USC or somewhere like that then I won’t shy away from it. I’m trying to be open-minded about it and not let it get to my head. Once I have my offers I can make my choice.”

Walters is still very fond of Tech but his thought process just isn’t on recruiting at this stage.

It’s about what Frenship might be capable of this season.

“I’m just worried about this year, I don’t want this to get to my head and I want to work hard. We are all trying to work hard. We know if we want to beat one of those Metroplex teams or a team like Waco, we’ll have to work hard now and then. We like the number three ranking (Ranked 3rd in 4A) but know we’ll have to work to keep it.”

As we’ve said all along, Walters is a cornerstone type of prospect in the mold of current Red Raiders Louis Vasquez, Chris Olson and Lonnie Edwards. It would be a tremendous boost to Texas Tech if they are able to land him. We’ll stay in touch with him if anything new develops.

’09 recruit with high hopes

The Tech coaching staff continues looking for 2009 prospect as Abilene linebacker Chris Williams works hard this summer.

“Our school has a program kind of like our off-season after football,” said Williams. “It’s not mandatory but all of our guys recommend it each other to go and that’s where everyone is at. It shows who wants to play next season. We’re always working out together and getting stronger together and that’s what makes better chemistry. We’re working out together Monday thru Thursday. We have a running program before it and then agilities and then we lift in the morning.”

From 8am to 11am every weekday Williams is working, looking to improve.

“Overall, I have gotten up to about 220 and I want to keep my speed. I want to get at my pass drop and that’s what I want to get better at and that’s what I’m doing 7-on-7 for. I really I can’t do it in the weight room. I just have to work on that once we get in pads but that’s what I want to get better at.”

What does Williams think he brings to the field that others don’t?

“I think my strength is that I’ve been playing since I was four and I want to be the best. That’s what it is, I’m not afraid to try harder and go that extra mile whenever it comes down to it. I have such a good team with me and such a good defense and even last year as sophomore, just trying to be a leader. It’s all about my love for the game, I want to be the best I can.”

Have any D-I coaching staffs noticed Williams’ determination yet?

“Texas Tech’s, I’ve talked to them some and they want to talk to me as soon as I become a legal junior. From Oklahoma State to Ohio to Texas, they’ve sent questionnaires to the school and I’ve filled those out. That’s really all I can do as a sophomore but I’ve gotten questionnaires from all over the country pretty much.”

The Red Raiders have some roots in Abilene that help give Williams that connection.

“A lot of my friends growing up, Lyle (Leong) and Kobey (Lewis), we played football for the Cowboys when we were younger. I always go to watch them play. They go to Tech too and Tech wants to see us stay together.”

What does Tech see in Williams?

“They like my speed. I’m a big guy and I can still run with a lot of wide receivers. They also like just how well I know the game at least that is what Coach Setencich said. They just really want to see me go there. Lincoln Riley is who I talk to a lot, too and we’re not allowed to talk anymore but I call him every now and then and keep him updated on how I’ve been.

Williams stopped in Lubbock earlier in the summer to partake in one of the mini-camps.

“When we went to camp he took me to the side and talked to me. He wanted me to see how bad they want me and told me that once I become a junior that I should expect a full ride.”

With his first unofficial offer on the table, what are Williams’ feelings on Tech?

“I’m not sure if it’s the best spot for me. With them scoring quick and getting three and out, that leaves the defense on the field a lot. It’s not a place where linebackers are going straight to the NFL and that’s what I want do to. I want to go to the next level and see how good I am because my coach has said that I haven’t seen half as good as I am. I want to go to the next level. That’s why I’ve sent my questionnaires to Penn State and Miami and places like that because their dominant defenses.”

What factors is this future talent looking for in a program?

“I’m going to choose the school that’s best for me, my mom, and my dad. I want to do something that no one in my school has done. I want to be big and I want colleges to know how good our program is because we have so many people at our school that could go D-I and colleges. People need to see that our program is as good as it gets in high school. I want to go to the best DI school there is, state-wise is not a problem.”

Note: Track Coaching Change

We delivered breaking news earlier last week regarding the track team and new hire former Arizona State assistant Dion Miller. We reported at that time that we had been informed from a reliable source that Miller was going to be the coach for men’s sprints, hurdles, and relays.

Since then, we have also have discovered that Miller will actually be doing double duty as the women’s coach in those same three events.

Miller had previously been the women’s assistant with the Sun Devils.

To view previous installments of the Red Raider Confidential, visit the archives by clicking here[/URL].

Again, The Red Raider Confidential is a special feature for subscribers only. Everything that is reported in the Red Raider Confidential must stay well… confidential. That's the way this deal works. The Red Raider Confidential is posted in the premium forum to ensure that this information stays exclusively within the Raider Nation.

This will only be successful if everyone helps make it work, so let’s all work together and keep the discussions limited to this board.

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