Red Raider Confidential (January 25th)

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C. Level

The People's Champ
Nov 7, 2002

Friday can only mean one thing for the discriminating Red Raider fan: time for another edition of the Red Raider Confidential. As always, we begin this session with the ground rules. Everything that is reported in the Red Raider Confidential must stay well… confidential. That's the way this deal works. The Red Raider Confidential is posted in the premium forum to ensure that this information stays exclusively within the Raider Nation.

This will continue to be successful only if everyone helps out, so let’s all work together and keep the discussions limited to this board.

Is Lynn a lock?

We talked to Celina’s D’Anton Lynn more about his visit and why he enjoyed himself so much. This was also hit first opportunity to sit down with head strength coach Bennie Wylie, which was the first thing Lynn spoke of.

“He was telling my dad and I his philosophy and stuff, he used to work with the Cowboys strength coach and my dad is familiar with that so he likes the kind of lifts their doing and workouts for strength and conditioning. I thought Tech’s facilities were just as good as the other schools. They’re real nice. I didn’t get a chance to see the indoor field but I hear they don’t really use that anyway. The locker rooms, weight rooms, the equipment, everything was nice.”

Did the second trip help Lynn when it comes to making his final decision?

“Yeah, it helped. I had a real good time. I got to get a good feel for the overall campus and the student life at Tech. I felt that this time and I really didn’t get that feel last time when I came over the summer because I was only there for a day.

“I feel more comfortable at Tech because I already know people there. While we were there my dad and I went and talked to old friends that he used to know at Tech. So I feel like I definitely have family there.”

What about the depth chart?

“We really didn’t talk about the depth chart too much so I really don’t know what that looks. It’s not a big factor. I know what the depth chart is at Penn State and Oklahoma but I don’t know what it’s like at Tech. So that’s one thing I’ll need to look at.”

Of course, then Lynn had to rush home on Saturday to get ready for his senior football banquet.

“It went good, it was real long. It was like from 6pm to 10pm. The Mayor of Collin County read some plaque to us because we broke the state record with eight state championships. It definitely hit me at the banquet that I’m never playing high school football again.”

Then on Sunday night, Leach and the coaching staff came over to Lynn’s home.

“It was pretty much the same thing. He and my mom talked and met. He then showed my mom card tricks and she thought those were pretty cool. It was Leach, McNeill, Mitchell, Mainord, and Simmons. It definitely makes me feel good that they all came over because I know they care about me a lot.”

Penn State came over to Lynn’s house on Thursday. And are the Baylor Bears going to get another visit?

“No, I don’t think so. Baylor asked me to come back down but my mom isn’t going to be able to come down with me because my sister has a volleyball tourney …

Publicly, Lynn would like to keep Baylor in his final schools as he will decide over the weekend. But in reality, don’t look for the Bears to be in the mix. So we asked Lynn about his top three.

Penn State: “They have a real good defense every year, always at the top in the nation, King is leaving and a few are transferring so they really need a few right now. They’re real low on cornerbacks, and it would be a huge opportunity for me to come in and play early there.”

Oklahoma: “That just seems like a great school, they have to defensive backs every single year, and that’s what they’re known on defense for is their defensive backs. They send them to the NFL and that’s why they have a reputation.”

Texas Tech: “I know a lot of people in Lubbock, I really like the coaching staff there and I feel comfortable around them and all the players. It seems like practicing against an offense like Tech every day would make me a real good defensive back and I’d be practicing against some of the best wide receivers like Crabtree.”

Over the weekend, Lynn will sit down with his mom and dad and look at all the different components of each school that he mentioned above. We asked Lynn what exactly are the biggest factors that will help him make his final decision in the end.

“I’ll be looking at just the overall place, the coaches and the players that I’m going to be around, the school, and just what’s the best place for me.”

We believe whole-heartedly that Lynn is going to be a Red Raider by Sunday evening and if you re-evaluate what was just stated above, then you’ll have a good reason why.

Look at Lynn’s qualities that he is looking for and then re-read his description of Tech. In his description of PSU and OU, he mentions the depth and putting backs in the NFL. But in no where has he ever stated that either or those factors were important to him. In fact, he even says above that depth is NOT important to him.

There are too many good things that Tech has going for Lynn, and a lot of them have to do because of his father. It’s evident when speaking with Lynn that he is more comfortable with Lubbock and the Red Raiders than any other program.

We will be surprised if Lynn were to go announce any other school besides Tech on Sunday evening.

Perry is in the Hub City

It was announced earlier in the week about the arrival of the newest Red Raider, Miami transfer Chris Perry. We spoke with the defensive tackle’s grandfather, Rudy Montemayor the night before the word became official.

“He initially had Miami in his mind,” said Montemayor. “I think he honestly wanted to be out there but then sometimes when you’re not accustomed to being home and that far away and it’s so expensive for him, not being able to come home kind of wore on him a little bit.

“It was a decision that maybe he wanted to be close to home and family. I don’t know that if it was so much as something at Tech, I asked him and he said there’s a couple of friends that use to play with him that are there and the same thing with UNT. I don’t know if there’s anything in particular that he saw or felt about Tech other than the fact that it’s in-state and it’s closer than Miami.

“He just told me that he didn’t feel right being that far from home and thought it would be best to come over here closer to where maybe we can see him play and where he an come home a little more often than what he was able to do in Miami. Him flying back and forth, it was kind of expensive for him and the family.”

His grandfather explained to Perry that the five-hour trip to Lubbock was manageable.

“Yeah, I told him my other kids are five or six hours away and they’re able to either drive or take the bus home and that isn’t as expensive as a five or six hundred dollar round trip ticket from Miami.”

When Perry decided to transfer from Miami, he sent his release form to UNT, Oklahoma, and Tech.

“Well, Oklahoma was one of the schools early one who had interest on Chris but he decided to go elsewhere, so I think Chris might still be interested in Oklahoma but I don’t know if there’s anything available at this time over there for him.”

It sounds like the Sooners made that decision easy for Perry. There are several reasons why Perry also thought of UNT and also why he did not go there. We will have much more on Perry first thing next week and explain in much more detail.

Just know that he arrived in Lubbock on Tuesday night and has now attended class for the last two days and went to his first workout this morning. Ladies and gents, Chris Perry is officially a Red Raider!

Calvin’s not coming?

There have been many interesting developments on the visit of four-star defensive tackle Daniel Calvin this weekend. We have spoken with Calvin over half a dozen times today, the most updated talk we had was 30 minutes ago. It seems that the trip has not gotten off to the start that he was hoping.

“My parents were at work and I had to call a taxi this morning so I could get to the airport,” stated Calvin. “I live in some new houses and I guess it doesn’t pop up on their GPS, so they got lost and came and got me late.”

“We have to be at the airport 30 minutes early, so let’s just say that didn’t happen. So I got back home and waited till my dad got home. We talked to the airport and they changed my flight to 12:50 (PST). When I came and got my ticket though, they said it was too full and I couldn’t get on.”

The frustrated Calvin is still at the airport as we speak, trying to get his plans worked out.

“I’m just waiting to talk to somebody about it and if that doesn’t work, then I might have to fly in tomorrow morning. But if I did take a flight later on today, I wouldn’t get to Lubbock till 2 or 3 in the morning.”

It looks right now that Calvin will not be coming into Lubbock until mid-afternoon on Saturday. But, he would still get to spend the full time allotted in the Hub City.

“Yeah, that’s what we’re talking about. When I leave tomorrow, then I leave on Monday. I’m at the airport still waiting, I’m about to call Tech back and see.”

What’s going through Calvin’s mind right now?

“I’m disappointed, but as long as I still get to go then its fine.”

We feel it’s absolutely going to be ok. In fact, we have no problem making the prediction that we believe Calvin is going to be a Red Raider when it’s all said and done. Obviously, it’s just all about him getting to the Hub City once and for all to check it out for himself.

So why are we so confident in Tech with Calvin?

Because here’s what the Bakersfield CC lineman said when we asked him what first came up in his mind as the best thing about Kansas State:

“I’m not going to lie, man. I love their facilities. I love it. I love their facilities.”

Calvin went on to explain that he realized he was at a ‘big time school’ when he saw K-State’s facilities. It simply sounds like Calvin is overwhelmed about the opportunity to play at a Big 12 and D-I institution. But the fact is that Tech’s facilities are much nicer than the Wildcats. So is Daniel still keeping his mind open?

“Oh yeah, I want to go check out Tech, man. If their facilities are great and I like the package they’re running and they’re communications department is great, then I don’t know, it’ll be a tough race. I really don’t know what to say yet. All I can tell you is that by visiting, K-State is a great place, hands down, just a great place.”

There’s no doubt that Calvin simply does not have another ‘big time school’ to compare K-State to, but expect him to be blown away by the Red Raiders’ facilities and everything else they have to offer. It also might be beneficial for Calvin do get a lesson on the difference of climates between the two schools, while in Lubbock.

“Yeah, it was kind of freezing in Kansas. It isn’t like that during the season though. You know, a while back I told my dad I liked to play in the heat. That was before anybody was after me and I was bringing up names like Arizona, UCLA, and all the schools that play in the heat. But they told me it gets pretty hot in both places during the season. So it’s not that bad. I know it’ll snow heavy in the off-season and I’ve also heard that it snows a couple of times in Lubbock. That isn’t really a big factor.”

So what is a really big factor?

“I’m about to go check out the facilities, players, and that’s going to play a big part in my choosing.”

What else does Calvin like about K-State?

“I’m trying to major in communications so we were talking about that major for a while and they know a lot of people who work in the radio and broadcast stations and guarantee tutors and mentors and make sure I won’t miss class and guarantee I graduate and everything.”

Tech can offer these things as well. So don’t get overwhelmed that Calvin seemed to be blown away by the Wildcats.

Without visiting yet, what is it that Daniel DOES know about Tech?

“I know that they can score but their defense is not as good as their offense. Their offense is a fast scoring team but they’re defense struggles. That’s what I told. But anybody can make a difference.”

Four Tech coaches, including Mike Leach and Ruffin McNeill, came and saw Daniel this week. What did he think of the Tech head coach?

“Cool guy, man. The whole coaching staff is just cool people. A couple of them remind me of friends and family down here, you know? They were talking real big about me and that made me feel pretty good.”

Calvin was impressed by the amount of coaches that Tech brought and K-State has never once brought four in at a time.

Don’t worry about the fact that Calvin was mentioning Nevada in his ‘final three’. They have just been recruiting him for quite some time and are still coming to visit, so he felt like he owed it to Nevada to continue to mention them.

But when it comes down it, it’s only between Kansas State and Tech. And as long as Calvin makes it to Lubbock this weekend (which we have no doubt that he will), then the Red Raiders are going to have the last word and will be able to put the exclamation mark on his recruitment.

Look for Calvin to be a Red Raider by early to mid-next week.

Walker To Visit?

The recruitment of Deion Walker has been uncannily quiet since his commitment to Notre Dame several weekends ago. However, that doesn’t mean that Walker has completely closed the book on the process.

“I wouldn’t say it’s been at a stand still, but it’s died down a lot,” said the articulate four-star receiver. “I still get a ton of letters and a few phone calls, but most of them are of the congratulatory nature more than anything.”

Though Walker says he hasn’t taken any steps toward new official visits between now and signing day, that doesn’t mean he hasn’t thought about it.

“I was supposed to visit Texas Tech a few weeks ago, but I couldn’t make it because of a basketball game,” he said. “But they were one of my top three teams when I made my decision and they could have been #1 possibly, but I didn’t ever get to visit.”

So would he consider it if he got the invitation?

“That’s something I’d have to talk to my parents and the Notre Dame coaches about,” he answered. “I’m pretty sure my parents would be cool with it, but I bet Notre Dame would want to keep me on lockdown. I doubt they would just tell me I couldn’t go though.”

Don’t expect the Red Raiders do be giving Walker a call anytime soon. Since his commitment to Notre Dame, they have since reviewed his video and have decided that it was time to move on and focus on others.

Brown Looking to Play Two Sports

With Michael Crabtree’s success paving the way, expect Tech to come away with a top-notch receiver in the next twelve months, be it in this class or the next. The coaching staff is working too hard to not land one eventually, and if Crabtree continues to grow as a celebrity, they might just land one as good as five-star Marlon Brown.

Brown, a stellar basketball player as well as an honor student and a star on the gridiron, is getting a ton of recruiting interest from all over the country, but was excited to hear from one school in particular.

“I hadn’t really even heard from Texas Tech until like last week,” he said. “They sent me a text message asking if I was interested and I said I was, so they just sent me this big package.”

Brown says he’s familiar with Crabtree and the success he’s had on and off the field, particularly with regards to Crabtree’s bread and butter play, the bubble screen, something you’ll see with astonishing regularity in Brown’s highlight film.

He also knows that Crabtree was a two-sport star in high school and was recruited by Tech to play both sports. Brown will certainly be a tough get, but if Tech stays in the hunt and snags an official visit from the Tennessee native, you have to come away feeling pretty good. However, every coach in the SEC is hell-bent on keeping him in the conference, so Tech certainly has their work cut out for them, but with Dennis Simmons likely to be on the case, you just can’t count Tech out.

Lynn and Cooper Likely to Commit?

When we spoke to Terry McDaniel earlier this week, he had some interesting things to say about the other two prospects who officially visited Texas Tech with him last weekend, D’Anton Lynn and Keanon Cooper.

“I think they both loved it,” he said of his fellow visitors. “As far as I know I think they are going to commit. Like as far as everything they had said and all that, they indicated that they loved it and acted like they were going to commit some time in the future.”

Though there are sure to be plenty of twists and turns in both of the defenders’ recruitments, from what they told McDaniel, Tech looks to be right in the thick of things.

Riley Shows Lavunce the Love

If Texas Tech doesn’t end up with Lavunce Askew on their commit list, it will have nothing to do with the effort they put into his recruitment. Early on in the process, Askew formed a lasting bond with new receivers coach Lincoln Riley, who has made sure that Askew understands at every turn just how much Tech wants him on their roster.

“Oh, Coach Riley definitely shows me the love,” laughed the defensive tackle. “They have a great thing going on down there at Tech and Coach Riley has really done a good job of forming a friendship with me, just man to man, you know? He’s straight up with me and my family, which means a lot to me.”

But Riley isn’t the only Tech coach who is in Askew’s good graces.

“Well, Coach McNeill has been coming by with Coach Riley,” he said. “He’s hilarious. That man is just straight up down to earth. He and Coach Riley were just telling me that they really want me and that I need to be wearing that Red and Black. Pretty much the same stuff they’ve said all along. They also said that they’ll be coming by again before I decide. They’ve been real cool about everything the whole time and they just kept reminding me to do what’s best for me, which really makes me feel comfortable.”

Latest on Lavunce

As it was announced last night that Arkansas defensive coordinator Ellis Johnson was leaving the Razorbacks for South Carolina, many immediately began thinking of how this would affect current Arkansas commit Lavunce Askew. We called to see what he was thinking, just 10 minutes after the news broke online.

“I talked to Arkansas about it before I left school around 5pm today,” said Askew calmly. “They told me the news before I heard it from anyone else and I talked to the whole coaching staff at Tech and they wanted my reaction. I told them that I really don’t have a reaction because I’ve only shook his hand one hand. I really don’t have a reaction. It happens like that. It’s life, man. There’s nothing wrong with that.”

Askew seemed impressed and appreciate the way that Arkansas handled the situation with him.

“My recruiting coach, the defensive line coach called me and said the defense is going to stay the same. He was basically the co-defensive coordinator anyway, so he can coach everyone on the field. The defense is not going to change, it’s going to be the same. I don’t care what the defense is, when I’m on the field I’m going to do my job.

“With my type of play, I I really don’t care about this. I just see it like this; I have never seen the guy but one time so how can you get cool with somebody if you’ve just seen them one time?

“I wish him the best and eventually a good school will find a good defenseive coocintaor. Look where I’m at, with my family right now.”

And what about his conversation with the Red Raider coaching staff?

“The Tech coaches said a lot and they weren’t negative recruiting but they were telling me that I didn’t need that and I needed someone who was going to be around the and not drop off and leave me.”

This does not seem to have an affect on Askew’s decision, although he says he honestly and truthfully is still torn.

“It’s very tough because I’m feeling love from both coaches because I love the way they talk because they both talk about good things.

“I’ve told them both before, one school is going to be mad at me and one school is going to happy. I told them that they’ll know by signing day.”

Hang in there with Cooper

We know at this point that Keanon Cooper still has plans to visit Kansas this weekend and Nebraska on the next, but it was the trip to Tech that he’s still talking about.

“It was real good,” said Cooper. “I was definitely impressed, there was more to the city than I thought. It was a lot different and there were a lot more things than I thought. It definitely exceeded my expectations.”

What jumped out in his mind the most about the Red Raiders?

“It’s the way they take care of their football players, they’re well taken care of and I like that. They show their support here from the coaching staff but also from the fans, it’s great.”

While Cooper does not have a leader and is not leaning one way over the other, he has no problem admitting that Tech has moved up his list.

“Oh yeah, it by far increased. I feel they want me quite a bit. I feel that they have an idea for me to come here and showcase my talents and make plays and be able to help the team out.

“They have returning starters, the team is very young but also shows that they play their young guys and that’s a very big deal. If I came here then I can only help the team get better. They’re going to have a great team, they have a great scheme, they have a great group of guys, so it’s all heading forward.”

He’ll continue to look at the same factors at each school he goes to.

“I check and see how I liked the coaching staff. The city is a big deal to me if I can live there four to five years. Also the scheme and most importantly education.”

No matter where he goes, who else he talks to, or what other schools he might look at, do not count Cooper out at all. The Red Raiders will be in it with him until the end.

The true Jeffers story

We have talked to Lawton High School head coach Randy Breeze on several occasion before because of his standout athlete and current Tech commit Cornelius Douglas.

We’ve learned that though Breeze, Tech was help able to land Douglas. But by the end of this question and answer with Breeze, we’ll be able to explain why he should be giving credit for having an assist on two current Tech commitments.

RRS: How is that you know running back Harrison Jeffers?
RB: I coached him his sophomore year when I was at Eisenhower and got to know him the summer going into his sophomore year and had him in class as a student and he also ran track for my wife. She got to be close to him and it started off by me giving him a ride home and our relationship grew from there. We have him over for dinner or whatever it needs to be. He didn’t have his license so we’d give him a ride home from practice a lot and just take him where he needed to go. He’s really a good kid with a good heart and he’s kind of got a good personality once you get to know him.
I was at Eisenhower his sophomore year, the season of ’05. And then late in the summer of ’06 I came to Lawton High. I’ve coached against him his junior and senior seasons. We’ve stayed real close and talk almost daily. It pretty much evolved from June going into his sophomore year to July going into his sophomore year, we were real close. He’s stayed the night over and he was in the wedding and he’s pretty much part of our family.

RRS: What’s this we heard about him being in your wedding?
RB: Well, in class he kept bugging me. First he wanted to be invited to the wedding and I told him he was going to get an invitation and then he came up with the idea of wanting to be in it and I told him that he needed to talk to my wife. My wife said we didn’t have any ushers so we made him an usher so he had the tux and the whole nine yards.

RRS: So tell us about Jeffers.
RB: I think he’s going to make Tech a great hand. He’s about 5-foot-9 and he’s about 200 pounds right now and he’s got real thick thighs and he’s such a thick body that you don’t realize how fast he is when he gets in the open field until the play is done and he’s outrunning people. He gets to the edge and gets back in there with those defensive back’s and starts running with them and doesn’t look that fast. But I’ve timed him in the 40 a hundred times and it’s never been higher than a 4.5 since he was a sophomore. I’ve had him in multiple 4.41’s. A lot of that is natural ability. He works hard but I think he’ll really flourish under Coach (Bennie) Wiley. Once he gets a full off-season under him than the sky is the limit. A lot of what he’s doing now is under natural ability.

RRS: How did his recruitment with Tech play out?
RB: He and I talked quite a bit about it and when I went out for that coaches clinic at Tech in the spring, on the way out there he told me that he was really interested in Texas Tech and that he’d like to commit to a school here pretty quick. He wanted to get it over with and that surprised me. I kind of thought he would play it out longer. But he told me that if I had a chance, to let Coach Littrell know that he was pretty ready to commit soon. So when I ran into him in the hall, I told him that if he recruited the Jeffers kid hard then he would get a commitment soon. He told me to come by his office and I did. When I left the clinic, I called Harrison to tell him what we’ve all done. He asked me if I liked it and I told him it was a nice place. He told me to tell him that he committed. I told him that wasn’t my job to do that and he needed to call Coach Littrell and tell him that. It was 11pm at night and he did it right there on the spot. He had never been to Lubbock at that time. He just got to know Coach Littrell and had a great relationship there and he was ready to commit. We’ve talked and one of the things he’s been impressed with it that they’ve had the previous two All-Big 12 running backs in Henderson and Woods. He was real impressed with that, I know. He felt he would get his touches there, whether it’s on a running play or a screen or flare out of the backfield. He knew that whenever he got the ball there wouldn’t be eight guys to stack the box and be ready to tee up on him.

RRS: Did you have a problem with him committing so early?
RB: He wanted to go ahead and get it out of the way. We had talked and we couldn’t decide if that was the right thing to do or not. In the old days, you didn’t commit this early. In today’s time, you’re not guaranteed something better. I know of multiple stories where it’s worked out good for kids and where it’s worked out bad for kids. Where they’ve tried to hold out and they try to commit later and it blows in there face. So I didn’t know for sure what was best and if he was happy, he’s the one that was going to go play four years and not me. I kept stressing that. If he wanted my opinion, I’d give it to him. If he felt comfortable, then he needed to jump on it. He liked being in the shotgun. He liked Tech staying in the gun, he was intrigued because he had just seen Peterson go through injury play at OU because people load the box to stop him and that wouldn’t happen to him at Tech.

RRS: Can you talk about how committed he is to Tech?
RB: Since he committed, he has not wavered. There were rumors of him going to K-state or going to Oklahoma State and I’ve been with him one on one and I’ve heard him answer it in front of a crowd and he’s never wavered. He’s been committed to Texas Tech the whole time.

RRS: Explain the rumors about K-State.
RB: K-State was in town recruiting him and word got out that his brother had moved to Kansas City and that was it. There was nothing more to it than that. K-State had been at the school talking to him but he didn’t lead onto to them or give them anything to go on. OSU offered him early but he never wavered on the deal and stayed loyal to Texas Tech the whole time, which I was glad. I wondered if he would do that or if he had somebody in the back of his mind or if someone came on strong late if he would waiver, but he hasn’t in the least bit.

RRS: What do you tell your defense when they go up against Jeffers?
RB: The first guy to get there, grab cloth and hang on. This year, I know that he finished with 160 yards rushing against us but 100 of that was after contact. Twice he’ll shake loose after multiple people hit him in the backfield and he goes 60. It was 2nd and 15 and they had done nothing yet and they gave it to him. Our nose guard hit him, wraps him up, he breaks loose. He broke loose past our d-end and he goes 60 after he breaks two tackles in the backfield. He lit their team up and they were awake and loud. The last 60 yards, Harrison spins and dragged our corner 20 yards. Their sideline erupted and they went ahead and won the game but we had them pinned 20-0 in the first quarter with all the momentum.

RRS: What about him fitting in at Tech?
RB: It’s not a pretty 4-4, but it is. He’s got legitimate speed. Like I said, it doesn’t look like he’s moving that well and then the next thing you’re know, he’s outrunning DB’s. I think the sky is the limit with him, especially with that offense.

RRS: What do you like about him at Tech?
RB: One of the things I liked about Coach Littrell is that he’s very matter of fact. He doesn’t beat around the bush and you can tell that especially the last six months. I’ve developed a good relationship with him in the recruiting of Harrison and Cornelius. I think I’m sending him off to good hands. He knows Harrison very well and they already have a great relationship going. I remember Coach Littrell when he was toting the rock for the Sooners. He’s been there and knows what it’s like, and I think it’s a great fit. Harrison is going to have to go and earn playing time, to his right. He’ll have to earn everything he gets, he will earn playing time, and he’ll get to work. It’s a match made in heaven as far as I’m concerned.

RRS: And then later on you sold Littrell on Douglas?
RB: I took Corn’s highlight tape into Littrell’s office and told him he needed to recruit this kid and I got his attention with the fact that I was close to Harrison and he and coach Holgerson really liked the film and they liked Corn at that point and whenever Harrison committed, that was a big shocker. So they listened a little better once Harrison committed.

RRS: What’s the reaction been like since Douglas’ commitment?
RB: Everyone around here is pumped. I’ve talked to his mom and dad and they’re ecstatic. Everyone I’ve talked to is tickled about the deal. They can’t wait to see him flourish in that offense. It’s a good deal. His dad’s pumped and his family is pumped. Lubbock better get ready because the Douglas clan will be coming to every game and they’re a fun bunch!

Trlica’s not an All-Star?!

Many have been surprised by the fact that former Tech kicker Alex Trlica was not asked to participate in any of the college all-star games. There’s actually more to the story than that and we wanted to share what we were told by several reliable sources.

Apparently, the East-West Shrine game extended an invitation to Trlica. Unfortunately, they sent it sometime during the seven days that the team was in Jacksonville, Florida for the Gator Bowl. When the Red Raiders arrived back in Lubbock, the envelope was found in the pile of mail that had come in during the bowl trip.

The bowl game was called immediately to take the East-West Game up on their invitation but Trlica was told that they had already filled his position. They explained that they no longer had room for him because he took too long to reply.

Our thoughts were that was very weak of a national all-star game to do that. But we did feel it was necessary to clear the air as Trlica indeed was invited to a post-season game.

That leaves Danny Amendola as the only representative from Tech in any all-star games this year. Amendola will be participating in the Texas vs. the Nation game, which will be played Saturday, February 2nd at 4pm on CSTV.

To view previous installments of the Red Raider Confidential, visit the archives by clicking here.

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This post was edited on 1/25 4:45 PM by C. Level
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