Red Raider Confidential (April 24th)

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A. Dickens

Jedi Master
Jan 20, 2004

Friday can only mean one thing for the discriminating Red Raider fan.
It's time for another edition of the Red Raider Confidential! The ground rules
are simple and easy to follow: everything reported in this report is not to be disclosed elsewhere. This feature is posted in the premium forum to ensure that this information stays exclusively within the
Red Raider Nation.

This will continue to be successful only if everyone
does their part and keeps the discussions limited to this board.

Brand new offer at wideout

San Antonio (TX) James Madison wide receiver Nate Askew is
quickly racking up an impressive amount of offers. As of Thursday, he could add
one more program to the list.

“Texas Tech offered me today,” said Askew. “That’s every receiver’s dream to go
to Texas Tech. They throw that ball around.”

The 6-foot-4, 213-pounder admitted that he had been slightly campaigning a bit
for an offer from the Tech coaching staff.

“They came through with an offer. They said that they’re sorry it took so long
but their coach needed to review my game video. They liked what they saw so they
offered me.”

It’s possibly Askew’s speed that has caused a few coaching staffs to hesitate in
sending an offer but it’s obvious that he’s getting more programs attention than
not. So the fact that Tech took a little longer than others, does that bother
him at all?

“No, it’s a business world. It’s all business. You can’t really fault anyone for
how long it takes. I’m treating it like business.”

It will be no surprise to any Tech fan as Askew gave his answer as to why he had
so much interest in the Red Raiders.

“(Michael) Crabtree is my favorite receiver! I followed Tech a lot so that I
could watch him play. I liked him as a receiver and I feel like I play like him.
He goes and makes great plays and that’s how I want to be.”

Askew just didn’t stop at being a fan of Crabtree’s though, he actually
took his appreciation to the next level.

“I had a problem with running the slant route and I watched Crabtree and I
learned how to run the slant. I have a route running video on him and it has
different receivers. Crabtree’s on there and I looked at the fundamentals of his
routes. I like the way that he approaches his routes.

“I’m big and he’s big and I like to take advantage of the defensive backs when
I’m running a route. I like all the big receivers. It’s the little things that
he does to make him great. I try to do the little things to make me great.”

Tech’s first Junior Day earlier in the year was a great chance for Askew to see
the campus. It was his first time in Lubbock.

“It was pretty cool just seeing the whole Texas Tech atmosphere. There’s nothing
in Lubbock but the school was okay. I just like the fact that they throw the
ball around. They’re going to throw the ball the majority of the game and they
believe in their passing game.”

Even with all the talk about the Red Raiders, Askew still has another school at
the top of his list.

“I might visit Tech again later in the year on an official but I’m still with
A&M right now so we’ll see what will happen. A&M is still my number one school.”

It was a recent trip to College Station that boosted that Aggies up to the top
spot, in Askew’s eyes.

“I just liked the atmosphere, how the coaches treated me and things that I saw
when I went up on the visit. Growing up a Longhorns fan, I didn’t think I was
going to like A&M but I did.”

Luckily for other schools going after Askew, he’s not in any rush at this point
to end his recruiting process.

“There are still a lot of offers out there that I could eventually get. It’s
still early in the game. I’m going to have practice and I’m going to have
coaches still come see me. Arkansas and Florida are saying that they’re coming
along with several more. So I don’t want to make my decision right now when it’s
so early in the game.”

Askew said that he’d like to make his decision within the next three or four
months. But even then, he still plans to take his official visits. As of right
now, he has four possible schools he’d like to still go see - Georgia, Florida
State, Florida and Kansas. He vows to still take his official visits even after
he hopes to commit later this summer.

With so much talk about the team that wears maroon, can anyone catch up to the

“Yes sir. All the schools have a good chance. Right now my number one is A&M but
things can change. A&M just has a good coaching staff, they treat me and my
family well and welcomed me at home. I’m looking for a place where I feel like I
could be there for four years.”

Richards talks recruiting

After last weekend’s Red & Black
Game, we had the chance to chat with Southlake (TX) Carroll defensive end
Jackson Richards, who has been singing Texas Tech’s praises on
the recruiting trail since he committed over a year ago. So, naturally, one of
the topics that came up was his role in the recruitment of some of his fellow
2010 recruits over the weekend.

“Well, I’ve been talking to V.J. (Fehoko) and he’s just a hoss,” he said with a
laugh. “I think he’s going to take some more visits just because he’s trying to
keep his word and everything, but hopefully we’ll get him. It looks like it to
me. I hope we get him, he looks huge, he looks like a monster. I hope we get
V.J. and I hope we get everyone else who was here this weekend.”

Another prospect Richards mentioned was Troy Baker, who was the
second 2010 prospect to pull the trigger in this class. There have been some who
were concerned about the solidity of Baker’s commitment due to comments he has
made concerning other schools and his visit schedule, but Richards says he’s not

“Troy’s a great guy,” he said. “We traded numbers and we’ve been talking a lot.
He’s a great guy and we really hit it off. And talking about monsters, that guy
is huge. Huge. I mean, he’s a big guy, he’s gonna be great. I don’t think he’s
going anywhere - he’s excited about being at Tech.”

One thing’s for sure - having Richards on the warpath.

Premium Q&A: 2009 signee Eric Stephens

When are you going to move to Lubbock?

ES: I’m trying to get it to where I can down there on the 23rd. That way I could be there for both the beginning of summer workouts and summer school. I’m really trying to get that to work out.

When do you graduate?

ES: I actually graduate on June 8th. So if I went down there, I would fly back home on the 7th and then to Lubbock on the 9th. The only conflict we might have is that I have to make sure that my principal is ok with me leaving early. I talked to him today about it and he said to get the administrators from Tech to fax in. I tried to do that today but had some communication troubles so I’m going to try again on Friday. As long as I give them a confirmation from Tech then he’ll try to help me out. So I’m hoping that’ll be a good thing because I just have to take my finals early.

What’d you think about the spring game?

ES: I enjoyed it. I got to see the backs a lot. They’re not very deep at running back so I got to see how I compared to them. I wanted to see the tempo too. I got to see a couple of quarterbacks and watch some of the guys. Everything was cool and I got to see a lot of the offense. I don’t know how much they were showing since it was the spring game but I wanted to see what they have their backs do. I wasn’t out there just watching I was evaluating.

What’d you notice while you were evaluating?

ES: I noticed Harrison isn’t as big as I thought he was and Baron wasn’t either. We’re pretty much the same size though. After watching them, I feel like I can play with them. If I redshirt then that’s fine but if not then I look forward to playing. We’ll just see what happens when I’m up there. The stuff that the backs were doing wasn’t anything too difficult. I feel like the one advantage that I have is that I can catch the ball out of the backfield and that’s going to help me a lot since they expect their backs to catch the ball out of the backfield. I feel like I have pretty good hands. They dropped a couple of balls and I know that Coach Leach didn’t like it too much.

Did you get a chance to talk to any of the players?

ES: Afterwards, me and Harrison hung out. I saw Seth and Corn. I also got to hang out with the kicker, Donnie. So I saw a couple of those guys. I was around a lot of the players. They’re all cool. You hear about them on TV and they put this image in your head. Really, they’re just like you. They’re all real cool and I noticed it was really competitive and I liked that.

When did you get there?

ES: I got there around 11:30 on Saturday morning and I went and checked in at the hotel and then went straight to the stadium.

What did you think about the atmosphere at the spring game?

ES: In high school, you never see that many people at a spring game. I know that its college but I appreciated the fact that the fans were into it just like it was a real game. I just felt like it was real supportive. I went out to eat afterwards and I saw everyone with their Tech shirts on. Tech is like an NFL team to the fact where everyone is behind them and very supportive.

Who did you go with?

ES: I went with my mother and my little sister.

Did you get to see any of the coaches?

ES: It was my first time that we actually got to meet Coach McGuire. I talked to Coach Riley and Coach Dennis, too. I got to talk to a lot of the coaches. That was good because I wanted my mom to meet Coach McGuire. Her being a mother, she wanted to know who was going to be looking after me. She said he was really cool and I felt like it was a good situation. One of the players told me that he’s a good coach and a good guy also.

What was your first impression of him?

ES: He seems real cool and laid back. I know that they all seem like that and on the field he’s a different man but that’s what I want him to be. He seems like the guy that will coach when he needs to coach and will let you vent when you need to vent. I didn’t know he was that young though, he was pretty young.

How much more relaxed are you since you met McGuire?

ES: I was a little antsy about it because I didn’t know what to expect. All you have before you meet someone is that you have someone else’s word. You never know how you’re going to interact with a person. Now that I’ve finally met him, it’s a sigh of relief knowing what to expect and what I was going to get myself in to. With Coach Littrell there, I felt like I had all the pieces and when he left I had a missing piece. Now that I’ve met Coach McGuire, it put that piece back in place.

Was meeting McGuire the highlight of your trip?

ES: Yeah, other than the spring game, that was the highlight of the day. That was really what I was looking forward to. I got to meet his wife and his kid, too. That was cool.

What’d you think about your visit overall?

ES: I just loved it. When I got there, everyone just made me feel like I made the right decision. I’m so glad that I switched my commitment. I couldn’t see myself going to any place but Tech.

How much more excited are you now that you visited?

ES: This has given me a chance to get on the field. After seeing them play, it makes me want it even more because I feel like I can play with any of them. There’s only one way to find out though.

Did any Tech fans recognize you?

ES: Yeah, a couple of people recognized me that I didn’t even know, even some guys on the team. That tells me that I’m not just another name. That was cool. We went out that night and I was getting ready to leave and someone yelled my name. He said that he knew me from Rivals and it made me feel good. It made me feel like I wasn’t just another signee. It made me feel like I’m wanted. When people make you feel loved like that, it makes you look at this even more seriously.

Premium Photo: V.J. Fehoko and Jackson Richards


(Thanks to Steven Leija for taking and sending us the photo!)

Premium Q&A: 2009 hoops target Brandon Thompson

How’s the recruiting process going?

BT: It’s been crazy. The last year is when everything has been coming in. Over my junior year and the summer was when I hit AAU hard but I never really found a team that gave me good exposure in San Antonio. I found the time to work hard on individual stuff one-on-one and did some individual workouts. I knew that the people playing AAU in the summer had an advantage so I knew I had to work harder so that I could give it 110% when it came to high school.

How many offers do you have?

BT: Right now I have four offers ? Texas Tech, Arizona State, TCU, and Georgetown.

Where you at with the whole process?

BT: I should have my decision sometime next week after I visit Arizona State.

Who all have you visited?

BT: I’ve visited Georgetown, Texas Tech and Arizona State next weekend.

Is there any school that sticks out right now or that’s in the lead?

BT: Not right now,

Did it cross your mind to commit to Tech at all while you were there?

BT: No, not really. I don’t know, my parents are really big on not committing until I take all my visits so that’s what I’m going to do.

Have you had that feeling at either Georgetown or Tech where you felt like you could commit?

BT: I could say that both of them, really. I guess because I was with the guys and it felt good being with the guys. All three programs are great.

What are the areas that you’re really concentrating on? How are you going to make this decision?

BT: I’m really looking at where I’m going to be happy wit the school. I want the best opportunity to compete for a spot and compete for the national championship. I just want my team to know that I’m going to work hard and we’re all going go to work hard. I’m going to give it 110% with my schoolwork and basketball.

When did you arrive at Tech?

BT: I got there last Friday. We had a storm so my flight got delayed by about two hours. I got there and the coaches picked me up at the airport. We went to 50 Yard Line to go eat and it was a great place. My host was John Roberson and Mike Singletary. Those are real good guys, man. I actually just stayed with them all night and got to know them and what they like to do. We just had some fun that night.

Did you get to play with them?

BT: Yeah, that was real good when we played.

Did you feel like you all had chemistry?

BT: Oh yeah, I felt real good about the chemistry and getting a feel for the game. It was real good fitting in and showing them what I could bring to the table. I think they liked me being there.

Did you get a tour of the campus?

BT: The campus was beautiful. It was a nice sunny day about 85 degrees. I met the chancellor and some of the student advisors. I toured the gym and the weight room and met the strength coach. I went to the Red & Black game and met the coaches. I had a good time meeting everybody. I really liked how the coaches weren’t trying to impress me or roll out the red carpet, they were just being real with me and telling me what they would do. They told me how they wanted me to fit in their offense and their expectations of me. I really liked it a lot.

How would you fit in there? Why do they want you?

BT: They said that I fit in their offense and can play the one or two. I’m really a combo guard. I can play four positions so whatever they need me to do I’m going to do it. They told me that I’m a very versatile player so I can make plays and get people open and make them better.

What’d you think about Coach Pat Knight?

BT: When I talked to him, he’s a very honest guy. He knows what he’s talking about and he’s been under his dad. He’s trying to fit that role but not doing what his dad did. He’s trying to make a name for himself. Everyone wants him to be like his dad but he knows it’s going to have to be up to him to do what he has to do. He’s doing his own thing at Texas Tech right now and I like that a lot. He’s a real straight up guy.

What’d you think about the atsmophere at the spring game?

BT: That was crazy. We got there and my grandpa was with me. My grandpa was having a great time. We went out on the field and he liked that a lot. He used to play football and it was a great thing to see the atmosphere and everyone ready for football season. It was crazy to see how many people came out of the spring game. I can’t imagine what the football season is like.

What’s the biggest difference between the two schools you’ve seen, Georgetown and Tech?

BT: Biggest difference is the distance from home. It’s a private school and public school. The conference play and everything is the same.

What’s your thought on distance?

BT: I’m not really afraid to go away from home. The closer the better I would say for my family for them to come out and see me play whenever they want to. They told me to go where I’m happy and they’re going to be with me 100% so it doesn’t matter where.

Do you prefer a private school or public school?

BT: It’s really nothing. It’s not a big difference to me. It’s all about the people you’re going to be with your four years.

Could see yourself fitting in at Tech?

BT: Oh yeah, I could see myself fitting in at both places. I’m going to have to make a tough decision. So after this last visit I’m going to sit down with my family and make the decision. It should be a couple of days after I make my visit.

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This post was edited on 4/24 2:11 AM by A. Dickens
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