If Trump wants to succeed where others have come up short, and if he wants to be the leader of the free world, the biggest test he faces internationally is in Syria. Obamas failure stemmed from several factors, but primarily from the the fact that he was not going to be able to fight ISIS, and demand that Assad be removed. That was not going to be a workable policy once the Russians became involved. Add the depart of Saudi support, and the hope for Syria faded.
So in light of recent chemical attacks on his own people, literally the minute after Tillerson affirmed the US would reverse it's stance that Assad must go, Trump faces a real challenge that essentially has the power to define his time in office. As of this afternoon, Trump has denounced the attack, this was slow in coming but came none the less. So what is the next step? Will Trumpism rule the day, with meaningless and empty bluster he is so famous for, or will he actually take action, and if so, how much?
So in light of recent chemical attacks on his own people, literally the minute after Tillerson affirmed the US would reverse it's stance that Assad must go, Trump faces a real challenge that essentially has the power to define his time in office. As of this afternoon, Trump has denounced the attack, this was slow in coming but came none the less. So what is the next step? Will Trumpism rule the day, with meaningless and empty bluster he is so famous for, or will he actually take action, and if so, how much?