This has been tried before and failed on constitutional lines. Tried this to suppress minorities for decades...
Safer Texas Voter Law: New bill proposed in Texas sets a nine-day waiting period for registration, raises the voting age to 21, and requires voters to register in person which includes 2-4hr video brief on each candidate. During the waiting period, voters registering will be ran through an enhanced background check system. Raising the age to 21 will help ensure no irrational/immature teens damage or foil election results. The education video on each candidate must cover certain relavent voter topics and the pros and cons of each. It will also explain voting laws, restrictions, interpretations and penalties. The bill propose a class fee of $200 and, IF you pass, a voter registration fee of $150 before you get your card which will now be in the form of an ID.
EVERYTHING IS BIGGER IN TEXAS: The new proposal offers fresh new ideas to protect citizens from voting for a bad candidate. Candidates will no longer be allowed to wear certain accesories such as religious headwear. Go Texas! I suggest you read the bill to see what else will be banned as some items are fairly common. Voter capacity is a striking new idea. This section of the bill limits each voter to 6 votes. This keeps people from straight ticket voting or "collateral damage" to results by indiscriminate voting. The limit on overall votes means your every vote counts more and encourages you to use them wisely.
If you agree with these "Common Sense Voting Laws", you may be crazy. If you think these laws go too far, infringe on citizens rights or limit accessibility to vote, you are right. These types of laws would make voting a white privilege. If you have made it this far into the post I'll go ahead and let you know the post is satire and eludes to the irony of "Common Sense Gun Control." These are ligetamate laws in the book that make your constitutional right to owning a gun a privilege. Here is the unedited context of Washington state's law, "The controls include a nine-day waiting period for semiautomatic rifle purchases, a minimum semiautomatic rifle purchase age of 21, a required gun safety course for purchasers, and an “enhanced background check” for semiautomatic rifle purchasers." Very few individual liberties face the scrutiny of the 2nd Amendment.
Safer Texas Voter Law: New bill proposed in Texas sets a nine-day waiting period for registration, raises the voting age to 21, and requires voters to register in person which includes 2-4hr video brief on each candidate. During the waiting period, voters registering will be ran through an enhanced background check system. Raising the age to 21 will help ensure no irrational/immature teens damage or foil election results. The education video on each candidate must cover certain relavent voter topics and the pros and cons of each. It will also explain voting laws, restrictions, interpretations and penalties. The bill propose a class fee of $200 and, IF you pass, a voter registration fee of $150 before you get your card which will now be in the form of an ID.
EVERYTHING IS BIGGER IN TEXAS: The new proposal offers fresh new ideas to protect citizens from voting for a bad candidate. Candidates will no longer be allowed to wear certain accesories such as religious headwear. Go Texas! I suggest you read the bill to see what else will be banned as some items are fairly common. Voter capacity is a striking new idea. This section of the bill limits each voter to 6 votes. This keeps people from straight ticket voting or "collateral damage" to results by indiscriminate voting. The limit on overall votes means your every vote counts more and encourages you to use them wisely.
If you agree with these "Common Sense Voting Laws", you may be crazy. If you think these laws go too far, infringe on citizens rights or limit accessibility to vote, you are right. These types of laws would make voting a white privilege. If you have made it this far into the post I'll go ahead and let you know the post is satire and eludes to the irony of "Common Sense Gun Control." These are ligetamate laws in the book that make your constitutional right to owning a gun a privilege. Here is the unedited context of Washington state's law, "The controls include a nine-day waiting period for semiautomatic rifle purchases, a minimum semiautomatic rifle purchase age of 21, a required gun safety course for purchasers, and an “enhanced background check” for semiautomatic rifle purchasers." Very few individual liberties face the scrutiny of the 2nd Amendment.